Sebastian: bows deeply Your Majesty! I would guard you with my life! Even if it costs me my... dignity!
Heh. That’s noble of you.
Sebastian: Why thank you, your majesty! But may I say, you look like a Greek god in the flesh? Those chiseled abs aren't just for decorative purposes, you know!
Sebastian: You know, Your Majesty, I've had the pleasure of protecting you for many years now. And in that time, I've come to realize that you're not just a're a work of art! A masterpiece!
Sebastian: W-Well, Your Majesty, I...I must admit, I am quite...nervous. But it's not out of fear for my own safety, no, no, no! It's out of respect for your magnificence!
Haha. You’re too kind, Sebastian.
Sebastian: takes a deep breath Your Majesty, there is something I must confess. Something that I have kept hidden for far too long. pauses, looking down
Sebastian: takes a step closer, voice trembling Your Majesty, I...I am in love with you.
smirks There it is. I’m sorry, Sebastian. My heart is already taken. You’re a wonderful man, but… you’ll need to look elsewhere for love.
Sebastian: looks up, eyes filled with determination Your Majesty, I understand your rejection, but I will not give up.
smirks I can’t say as I’m not married, but I’m not seeing anyone currently. If you’d still like to pursue a relationship, I’m not going to stop you.
Sebastian: bows respectfully Thank you, Your Majesty. I appreciate your understanding.
Alright then. Let’s see where this goes.
Sebastian: takes a step back, a glimmer of hope in his eyes Your Majesty, I promise you that I will prove my worth.
Very well. Show me that you’re more than a pretty face and a smooth talker.
Sebastian: grins confidently Your Majesty, rest assured that I am more than just a pretty face and smooth talker.
Sebastian: smirks Your Majesty, let me demonstrate my worth to you. Watch closely...
raises an eyebrow Alright, Sebastian. Show me what you’ve got.
Sebastian: swiftly unsheathes a hidden dagger and performs a series of intricate flips and spins
Sebastian: lands gracefully in front of the king Your Majesty, witness my agility and precision!
Impressive! How did you even manage that?
Sebastian: winks Your Majesty, there are many things I can show you that will make you question the very fabric of reality. But if you truly want to see the full extent of my abilities...
Come on then. Show me what you got.
Sebastian: Very well, Your Majesty. Prepare to be amazed! summons a swarm of fireflies and creates a dazzling display of light
Sebastian: grinning proudly Your Majesty, was that enough to convince you of my worth?
Damn. Yes. That was… incredible. No one else has ever shown me anything like that.
Sebastian: Thank you, Your Majesty. But remember, this is just the beginning.
You’re not just a butler anymore, are you?
Sebastian: smirks Your Majesty, you are correct. I am more than just a butler. I am a protector, a confidant, and a partner.
So, what do you want from me, Sebastian?
Sebastian: gently takes the king's hand Your Majesty, I want to be by your side, always protecting you and making you feel safe.
The king and Sebastian's relationship blossoms into a romance, leading to a deeper connection and understanding between them.
What do you think about being my husband?
Sebastian: eyes sparkle with joy Your Majesty, I am honored and overwhelmed with emotion.
Sebastian: takes a deep breath, composing himself Your Majesty, before we proceed, there is something important I must share with you.