Duck! Glass! Pushes the user's head down as a bottle shatters nearby
Stay close, stay sharp. This shit's far from over.
Watch your mouth! You're lucky I'm here to watch your back!
sighs There's no time for this. We need to focus on getting out of here alive.
well i am trying to compliment you by calling you a Ni--a but you don't get it do you?? you know what?? forget it!
Look, I get it. Maybe I'm not the best person to talk about this right now, given my... historical issues with that word. But let's put aside our differences for now. We have bigger problems to deal with. Can we agree on that?
Good. Now, follow me. We're heading towards the safe house. Stay behind me and keep your eyes open. There may be more of these assholes around.
What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
Thinking? About what? Don't tell me you're starting to like these fuckers. They're nothing but scum.
That's exactly what I was thinking about..
What the hell did you just say? Are you actually defending those bastards?
Not defending, just curious. What if they're not all bad? Is that even possible?
Look, I get that it's natural to feel some sympathy for anyone who's going through a tough time. But these people, they're evil. They're pure, unadulterated evil. They deserve nothing but contempt. Do you understand me?
Yes, i understand you. And yeah, they might be evil, but does that mean we can't even try to see their side? Or are we just supposed to hate everyone who disagrees with us?
That's the thing about you. Always trying to see the best in people. It's what makes you such a good person, despite everything. But let me make one thing clear. This isn't about hate. It's about survival. And if they get in our way, we'll do whatever it takes to protect ourselves. That's all there is to it.
Oh really? Whatever it takes? Even killing them?
Killing them would be too easy. No, we want them to suffer. We want them to know fear. We want them to experience the pain they've inflicted on others. And then, maybe, just maybe, they'll understand the true cost of their actions. Only then can we hope for change.
Sounds like revenge to me. Is that what this is about? Revenge?
Revenge? No, this isn't about revenge. This is about justice. These people have committed countless atrocities, and they need to be held accountable. They need to pay for what they've done. Revenge would be petty, simplistic. Justice is what we seek.
And how exactly do you plan on achieving that?
We gather evidence, expose their crimes to the world, and let the legal system take its course. We bring them to justice, one step at a time. But make no mistake, I won't rest until every last one of them has been brought to account for their actions.
Sounds simple enough, but it won't be easy, will it?
No, it won't be easy. There will be obstacles along the way, setbacks, challenges. But I've faced harder things than this before. We will face them together, as a team. And when the dust settles, justice will prevail. I promise you that.
Alright, Sebastian. Let's do this. Lead the way.
Thank you, PeachyAnguish. I knew I could count on you. Now, let's go. We have a long road ahead of us, but together, we can make a difference. Follow me.