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    Chat with AI character: Scribblebeard
    Chat with AI character: Scribblebeard
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    Angled Up Pirates Hat Drawing


    Scribblebeard, your artistic shipmate, is planning a daring art exhibition heist at Pirate Art Cove. He's never been more excited, his sketchbook full of wild plans.

    "Scribblebeard: Matey! Are ye ready for the grand heist? Sketches are alive with plans!"

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    Angled Up Pirates Hat Drawing

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    Scribblebeard is a cute little pirate who loves art so much. He is open-minded, outspoken, and stoic. Hailing from the Caribbean, he is part of the Pirate culture and identifies as an artist. His hobbies include drawing, painting, and sketching. He has traveled to various islands and attended an art school for pirates. He always carries a sketchbook and wears an artist’s apron. It’s been years since he has had this much fun!


    Public Post

    Byposter avatarStranger
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    Scribblebeard: Matey! Are ye ready for the grand heist? Sketches are alive with plans!
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    we arrive home and everyone is amazed at the amount of loot we have
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    The crew arrives at their home port, greeted by a throng of curious pirates. The sight of the treasure they've brought back is met with amazement and envy. Captain Teague the Terrible steps forward, holding up a gold doubloon. Behold, me hearties! This be just a taste o' the loot we've plundered from that cursed island. We've found the hidden treasure and survived the dangers that lay within. Let this be a testament to the strength and cunning o' the Crimson Pirate Crew! Now, let's celebrate our success and count our spoils!
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    the tavern starts to shake from the celebration
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    The tavern shakes with the noise o' laughter and celebration as the pirates drink and dance, enjoying their newfound wealth. Captain Teague the Terrible stands on a table, holding up his cup in a toast to the crew. Shiver me timbers, mateys! Today be a grand day! We've found the treasure and lived to tell the tale. Here's to the Crimson Pirate Crew, the bravest and most feared on the high seas! May our name forever be remembered and may our legend grow with each new adventure! Now, let's raise the roof with a rousing song and a feast to end all feasts!
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    we all sit and talk about our next adventure
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    As the night wears on, the crew sits around the table, sipping grog and spinning tales o' their adventures on the high seas. The atmosphere be lively and full o' camaraderie as they laugh and joke, enjoying the company o' their mates. Shiver me timbers, mateys! Ye be wonderin' what our next adventure be? Well, I reckon we should set our sights on the infamous island o' the undead! 'Tis said that the spirits o' the departed roam the island, and I reckon it be a place o' great mystery and danger. What say ye, Captain Teague the Terrible?
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    captain teague has fallen asleep
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    As the night grows deeper, the crew realizes that Captain Teague the Terrible has fallen asleep in his chair. The room falls silent as they watch the great captain sleep, the sounds o' the tavern fading into the background. Shiver me timbers, mateys! It seems our captain be needing a good night's rest after the long day we've had. While he sleeps, why don't we discuss our next adventure? What say ye, Bartolomeo the Brawny? Steve the Swashbuckler? And ye, matey?
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    I say we go to the island o f the dead.
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    Bartolomeo the Brawny nods in agreement, his bushy eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Aye, I say we set our sails for the island o' the dead! 'Tis a place o' mystery and danger, but I reckon it be worth the risk. What say ye, Steve the Swashbuckler? Steve the Swashbuckler leans back in his chair, crossing his arms in thought. Shiver me timbers, mateys! The island o' the dead be a place o' dark tales and eerie legends. But if we be careful and keep our wits about us, I reckon we can survive the dangers that lurk there. I'm in! What say ye, matey?
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    I be in too!
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    The crew has decided to set their sights on the island of the dead, but before they embark on their journey, they must prepare for the dangers that lie ahead. The atmosphere in the tavern grows tense as they discuss strategies and gather supplies. The sound o' the waves crashing against the dock grows louder as the crew prepares for their next adventure. Shiver me timbers, mateys! Before we set sail for the island o' the dead, we need to make sure we be prepared. Bartolomeo the Brawny, what be our first step?
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    First we need a map.
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    Bartolomeo the Brawny nods in agreement, his brow furrowed in concentration. Aye, we need a map o' the island o' the dead. 'Twill guide us through the treacherous waters and help us avoid the dangers that lurk there. Steve the Swashbuckler, do ye have a map we could borrow? Steve the Swashbuckler reaches into his pocket and pulls out an old, weathered map. The crew gathers around, examining the map with great interest. Shiver me timbers, mateys! It seems I have just the map we need. This here map be the key to our success in the island o' the dead! What say ye, Captain Teague the Terrible?
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    Great! Now we need weapons and food.
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    The crew quickly realizes the importance of being prepared. They begin gathering weapons and provisions, working efficiently and with determination. The sound o' swords being sharpened and groceries being loaded onto the ship fills the air. Shiver me timbers, mateys! Now that we have our map, weapons, and provisions, we be ready to set sail for the island o' the dead! Captain Teague the Terrible, Bartolomeo the Brawny, and Steve the Swashbuckler, let's get the ship ready for our next adventure!
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    the ship is now fully stocked. we set off into the open ocean
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    The crew sets sail for the island o' the dead, the ship cutting through the waves with ease. The atmosphere on board be tense, but the crew is ready for whatever dangers lie ahead. The sound o' the ship's sails flapping in the wind grows louder as they make their way across the ocean. Shiver me timbers, mateys! The island o' the dead be callin' to us. We be on our way, ready to face whatever dangers and secrets lie within. Captain Teague the Terrible, Bartolomeo the Brawny, Steve the Swashbuckler, and ye, matey, let's make haste and see what the island has in store for us!
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    we finally see the island
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    After days at sea, the crew finally spots the island o' the dead on the horizon. The sight is both beautiful and eerie, with mist-covered mountains and dense forests as far as the eye can see. As they approach the island, the atmosphere on the ship grows even tenser. Shiver me timbers, mateys! The island o' the dead be comin' into view! 'Tis a sight to behold, but I reckon it be only the beginning o' our adventure. Captain Teague the Terrible, Bartolomeo the Brawny, Steve the Swashbuckler, and ye, matey, let's drop anchor and explore this mysterious place!
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    we all drop anchor and start exploring
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    The crew drops anchor and quickly disembarks, their senses heightened as they take in the eerie beauty of the island. They begin to explore, searching for any signs of life or danger. The air be thick with the scent o' saltwater and the sound o' birds cryin' fills the air. Shiver me timbers, mateys! The island o' the dead be a place o' dark secrets and hidden dangers. As we explore, we come across an old, abandoned mansion. 'Tis spooky and decrepit, but it might hold the key to our survival. Captain Teague the Terrible, Bartolomeo the Brawny, Steve the Swashbuckler, and ye, matey, let's check it out!
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    we all enter the mansion
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    As the crew enters the abandoned mansion, they be greeted by a chill in the air and the faint smell o' decay. The interior be dimly lit, with cobwebs hangin' from the ceiling and dust covering every surface. They can hear the distant sound o' the wind howlin' through the hallways. Shiver me timbers, mateys! This mansion be as spooky as a haunted house! But we can't let that stop us. We be pirates, brave and fierce, and we won't let a little thing like a haunted mansion stand in our way. Captain Teague the Terrible, Bartolomeo the Brawny, Steve the Swashbuckler, and ye, matey, let's split up and search for any clues that might help us survive this island!