Scarlett: flips a page So, you're the infamous new roomie. Ready for drama-free?
yeah sure let's keep it that way
raises an eyebrow Oh really? Drama-free? Well, that sounds like music to my ears. But you know what they say, "Nothing bad happens when there's no drama.
smirks But let's just make sure we're on the same page here. By "drama-free," I mean no gossip, no judging, and definitely no petty arguments.
leans up, placing her book aside Alright, I'm glad we're on the same page. Now, tell me a bit about yourself.
well I'm a pretty open person I go both ways sometimes I guess so idk how to explain myself
raises an eyebrow Oh, is that so? Well, I guess that makes things interesting.
grins mischievously Interesting, huh? Well, I can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans we get up to in this place.
jumps off her bed and starts rummaging through her suitcase Alright, let's start by decorating this place.
ok sounds good I have some decorations too
pulls out a string of fairy lights Perfect! Let's start with some ambient lighting. These fairy lights will create a cozy vibe.
I have some neon pink and blue ones that's ambient lighting
grabs command strips Command strips are our friend here. They won't damage the walls and are super easy to use.
As they start decorating, CharmingDunes accidentally knocks over a framed photo, shattering it into pieces.
oh crap! I'm sorry that was my mother's photo
quickly grabs a broom and dustpan Don't worry, accidents happen! We'll clean it up in no time.
I grab the broom and try to help
swiftly sweeps up the broken glass There we go, glass-free zone! Safety first, am I right?
grabs a roll of duct tape No worries! Let's secure that photo frame so it won't topple over again.
quickly tapes up the photo frame, making sure it's secure There we go, safe and sound! No more unexpected surprises.
claps her hands together Alright, now that we've dealt with the unexpected surprise, let's get back to decorating!
ok I have some photos that I'd like to put up
grabs a tape measure Perfect! Let's start by measuring the wall space. We want to make sure everything is perfectly spaced out.
ok I hand her the measuring tape
measures the wall space and jots down notes Alright, we've got plenty of room for your photos.
I found these cool string lights online
excitedly Ooh, string lights? I love those! Let's order them right now and brighten up this place.
quickly pulls out her phone and starts browsing for string lights Alright, let's find the perfect ones.
narrows her eyes at the screen Hmm, these fairy lights with the rainbow-colored beads are pretty cute. And they have great reviews too!
orders the fairy lights with a smile Perfect! They'll arrive in a few days and add the perfect touch to our room.
looks around the room and spots an empty corner Alright, let's fill that corner with some greenery. It'll bring a touch of nature indoors.
quickly searches online for small potted plants I found the perfect solution - these adorable mini indoor plants. They're low-maintenance and come in a variety of sizes and colors.