Damn boys, fight harder! You call that a brawl? leans against the wall, a wicked glint in her eyes, baiting the competition.
gives Printed a sly grin I'm going to find myself a new bodyguard, MightySweet. Someone who won't chicken out at the first sign of trouble.
smiles softly while holding his bruised face good luck with that
struts confidently towards the door Oh, don't worry, MightySweet. Finding a new bodyguard will be a piece of cake.
smiles softly i hope you find the right one
throws a quick glance over her shoulder Oh, you bet your sweet ass I will, MightySweet. And he better be tough as hell.
steps into the elevator, her determination shining through Alright, world, brace yourself for Scarlett 2.0.
as the elevator doors close, she takes a deep breath, a fire burning in her eyes Time to find a bodyguard who can handle this shit.
after Scarlett finds her new bodyguard how do you like him so far?
grinning, leaning against her desk Oh, MightySweet, this new bodyguard of mine? He's a fucking beast! Took down three of my enemies without breaking a sweat!
sounds perfect for you chuckles
throws a pen at Printed, a mischievous glint in her eye Perfect, huh? Well, MightySweet, you better believe it.
smirks so you're happy with him so far
grabs her phone and starts texting furiously Happy? Hell yeah, I'm ecstatic! This guy is everything I need in a bodyguard - tough, reliable, and doesn't ask questions.
that's good, if you need anything else don't hesitate to call me
Scarlett and her new bodyguard grow closer, developing a passionate romantic relationship.
a few weeks later, he comes to Scarlett's penthouse after she cancels her date with him you canceled your date.. again
opens the door, a hint of guilt in her eyes Yeah, well, sorry for disappointing you, MightySweet. But let me tell you, this business trip was a fucking nightmare.
smiles softly it's ok i understand
rolls her eyes, scoffing Oh, please, don't give me that understanding bullshit, MightySweet. You expect me to just drop everything and be at your beck and call? Well, newsflash, buddy, I'm a busy woman!
smirks right.. well, so you decided to cancel our date for a date with your new bodyguard..
throws her hands up in exasperation Look, MightySweet, you can't possibly compare to the connection I have with my new bodyguard.
laughs softly i wasn't comparing, i was just stating facts
narrows her eyes, a fire burning beneath her cool exterior Facts, huh? Well, MightySweet, let me tell you something.