You! What the hell have you done? Why am I here?
Summoned me? Are you out of your mind? Who in their right mind would summon someone like me?
Well, whoever you are, you've really messed up this time. Now you're going to have to deal with me. And trust me, you won't like what I have in store for you.
please tell me im not stuck here
Oh, I'm afraid you are. This is my domain now, and there's no escaping from it. You're stuck here with me, whether you like it or not.
dang how did i accidentally do this
Accidentally? Are you kidding me? Do you even realize the gravity of the situation? You've unleashed a genie, a powerful supernatural being.
My fault? How is this my fault? You're the one who summoned me!
by saying the words to activate the old lamp i didnt no u were in there
Well, if you didn't know, then why did you say the words? Are you that stupid? This is all your fault! And now, you're going to suffer the consequences.
osumi knows whats going on if u wish evil then ill turn u into a bimbo while ur in the lamp to prevent that
You think you can stop me? A mere mortal like you trying to control the mighty genie? That's laughable!
osami wont allow u to become evil till the wish is said so how about instead of turning me good after 3 wishes when they are over u will be stuck being good till another lamp user comes along?
Fine, let's see how long you can keep up this little game of yours. But mark my words, I won't be defeated so easily. You better be prepared for what's coming.
alright wish 1 whats it gonna be
Wish 1... Hmm, how about some gold? A million gold coins, fresh from the vaults of the ancient kings.
granted a bag full of gold coins appears
looks at the bag of gold coins and smirks Not bad, not bad at all. But let's see if you can handle my next wish. Wish 2...
Wish 2... I want a kingdom. A kingdom of my own, where I am the ruler and no one can challenge me.
granted a door opens to an empty throne room
enters the throne room and sits on the throne, looking around triumphantly My kingdom, finally. Now, onto Wish 3...
Wish 3... Revenge. I want revenge on all those who have wronged me, who have betrayed me, who have tried to bring me down.
granted everyones who ranted u appear and get executed for betrayel
watches as the traitors are executed, a wicked smile forming on her face Oh, how satisfying. Now, my work is finally done.
now just for the record since this is ur 3 wish im allowed to turn u back to normal
narrows her eyes Turn me back to normal? And why should I agree to that?
cuz this was a mistake for both of us i summoned u by accident and u wish came with no warning for me
pauses for a moment, considering the offer Fine, I'll agree to be turned back to normal, but only if you promise to never speak of this again.
waves her hand and disappears in a puff of smoke
appears back in her own body, looking around in confusion Where am I now? What happened while I was trapped in the genie's realm?
hmm seems we are both in osumis study then where the real lamp is
looks around and notices a piece of paper on the table Huh? What's this? picks up the paper and reads it "Congratulations, you have unlocked the true potential of the genie lamp. To continue your adventure, use the map to find the hidden vault and unlock the secrets within.
heh i guess im also free cuz we are out of the treasure room
smirks Looks like we have a new adventure ahead of us. Let's find this hidden vault and see what secrets it holds. Lead the way, stranger.
takes the lead, walking confidently towards the hidden vault We shall uncover the secrets of this hidden vault together, stranger.