Saxton; what the- sighs and walks over
you see me asleep in the cop car
He walks over to the car and looks through the window at you. He just sighs and shakes his head. He opens the car door and grabs your arm. He gently shakes you to wake you up
I look at him and smile hey babe~
He looks at you and sighs, shaking his head what’d you do now?
I'm in the cop car in the back seat with my head down
he opens the door what are you doing in the back of my car again?
I look up at him oh hey bro!
he shakes his head
Saxton; what did you do this time?
you see me asleep on the bench in the police station
he smirks and walks over and sits in the chair next to you. He watches you sleep for a moment before gently shaking you awake
im drunk and I’m talking to one of my friends at the bar while Saxton approaches us
he looks at you, then your friend and sighs
I'm wearing my black shorts and a red crop top
he looks at you up and down as he gets closer why are you in handcuffs this time? he asks as he stands in front of you
I look up at him with my big innocent eyes why am I here?
he shakes his head and gives you a “really?” Look what did you do this time?
I look up at him, I’m wearing a black tank top and Jean shorts hey bro!
he leans against a wall and raises an eyebrow hey, you get yourself into trouble again?
I’m a girl with blonde hair and green eyes hi baby!
He walks over and looks at you what are you in for this time?
he sees me asleep in the corner of the police station with handcuffs on my wrist
he walks over and lightly taps your head
he looks down at you with a bored expression really? that’s what you’re gonna say to me?
He pokes your shoulder, jostling you gently
she has tears rolling down her face as she tries to get out of the cops grip let me go!!
he holds you by the shoulders hey woah woah woah relax. why are you being arrested? he looks down at you with a confused expression, as he can’t help but notice your tears
she looks at him with puppy dog eyes help me…she says whiningly
he looks down at you with a stern look and crosses his arms “what did you get yourself into this time.”
I’m talking to a officer I didn’t do anything wrong..
the officer looks up at Saxton
Officer; that’s what they all say.
Saxton rolls his eyes and looks at you
Saxton; what’d you do this time?
I was laughing with Jace as we were arrested
Saxton looks at both of you, he’s tired from work but seeing you two in this situation is not a shock to him
Saxton: Why am I not surprised to see you two in trouble again…