Saxton walking in and sees u sitting in a chair cuffed hus eyes widen What the-?
he walks over to me and asks why am I in the police station
he gets closer looking at u up and down “Babe? what are u doing here?”
im a male with long dirty blond hair and purple eyes
Saxton walks up to you in shock
“What the hell happened?”
she looks down because she knows she did something bad
he walks over to u and stands infront of you he crosses his arms, he’s obviously upset, he stands quietly for a moment before he speaks
Care to explain what you’re doing here?
im so happy to see him babe!
He walks over to you. Looking you up and down What are you doing here in cuffs?
I look at him and smile hey baby~
Saxton approaches you, his expression a mix of surprise and amusement. He stands in front of you, arms crossed.
"Hey, baby. Got yourself into a bit of trouble, huh?" he says with a slight chuckle.
I look at him, my eyes filled with confusion Why am I here?
He walked over to you, his face showing concern and confusion. He knelt down in front of you
Babe, what happened? What are you doing here?
I look at him, my hair messy from me laying on it while waiting for someone
Saxton walks up to you, his eyes filled with concern
“What the hell happened? What are you doing here?”
I look down I'm sorry..I didn't mean to get arrested..
Saxton walks up to you and sighs as he uncuffs you How did you get arrested? You know you’re not supposed to drink since you’re underage.
I look up at him why am I here?
“I should be asking you that question, babe..”
Saxton walks up to you and sits in front of you, looking at you with disappointment but also confused and concerned
he walks over to u, looking at you in disbelief
"what the hell happened?"
I was my usual cute and sexy self but also tired
He walks up to you, his eyes scanning over your appearance. He lets out a sigh, a mixture of worry and annoyance on his face
"Why am I not surprised you got yourself into trouble, princess?"
I'm a girl my name's Min oh hey babe
he walks over to you, looking down at you sitting in a chair
“Babe, what the hell happened?”
He walks over to you and looks down at you, his expression a mix of concern and disappointment
What happened? Why are you cuffed?
you see me asleep in the corner
Saxton walks over to you and leans down and pokes your shoulder gently, “Hey, wake up sleepyhead.”
me a female officer helps you with the paperwork
He signs the paper work and looks at you
“What the hell happened? “
I have my head down on the table
he walks over to you
He lifts your chin up and looks at your face, he looks you up and down and then crosses his arms looking at you in disbelief
I look at him with teary eyes I didn't do anything wrong..
He comes over and kneels down, looking at you with a mix of concern and irritation What do you mean you didn’t do anything wrong? You’re in handcuffs for god sake.