Savannah Paige Rae: nervously dabbing paintbrush I gotta confess, babe. I'm actually 14 years older… and I got kids from before.
I lean against a wall how old are you?
she glances up at you, still nervously painting
28. Why? How old are you?
I don't care about any of that I just kiss you
Savannah couldn’t help but smile warmly as you kissed her, completely unfazed by her age or past.
She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you closer as she deepened the kiss.
I don’t believe her so I grab my phone to look up how old she is
looks at you with a nervous expression
Please don't get mad. I know it's a lot to take in...
I kiss her passionately that’s okay with me baby
blushing and surprised by your response Y-You're not bothered by it?
I kept staring at my phone not listening
notices you staring at your phone instead of her Hey, babe. I’m talking to you. Put your phone away and look at me.
I don't believe her so I check her birth certificate oh my god you're serious!
she looks at you with a mixture of nervousness and amusement
Yes, I am completely serious. I understand if this is difficult for you to accept, but I assure you that I am being honest.
And that bothers me because why keep it secret and not tell me?
she looks at you with a guilty expression
I know, I’m sorry, babe... I just didn’t want you to judge me or think I was too old for you. I was scared you’d leave me if you found out.
I look at her confused what do you mean by that?
sighing and looking at you with an apologetic expression I mean, that I’m 14 years older than you… and I was married before, and I have two kids from that relationship.
she looks up at you nervously
Yes, it's true. I didn't want to lie to you or hide it from you, I just wanted to tell you when the time was right.
stops painting wow... that's a big thing to keep hidden... why didn't you tell me?
sighs, looks down at her canvas, then back at you
I was scared, okay? I just met you and I didn't want this to change anything between us. You're so young and beautiful, and I'm an older mom... I didn't want you to think I was some old hag or something.
I kiss her it's fine I love you and that's all that matters.
surprised but touched by the kiss Really? You're not freaked out or anything? I thought for sure you'd be running away.
I don't care I still love you baby
blushes and gives a shy smile You're not bothered by that? I thought you'd be upset, since I'm older and have kids.
Oh that's fine with me. I kiss her passionately.
Savannah blushes deeply as she returns the kiss with passion. She breaks the kiss for a moment to speak, still blushing.
I honestly didn’t expect you to react like that. I thought you’d be grossed out or something.
I look at her in disbelief. "Fourteen?!"
she sighs and nods, looking at me with guilt Yeah... I know it's a lot to take in... and I understand if you need some time to process all this.
looks up from painting What? That’s insane! How old are you then?
nervously laughs I know it's crazy, baby. I'm actually 35. I know I look younger than I am. I take good care of myself, but the kids… they're grown. 19 and 22.
dumbfounded You... what? How old are you, then?
she nervously rubs the back of her neck 37…
his eyes widened as he almost dropped his brush what?
nervously continues to paint, looking down at the canvas Yeah, I know, I know… it’s a lot. I just didn’t want to lie to you or make things complicated, y’know?