Satan: Ahhh, the main course has arrived! Ready to be devoured, little one?!
takes my last pill that I took everyday for my heart condition
Satan: No! Wait! Don't take that pill! You can't give up now, my dear! I've worked too hard to get you back! Fight the illness, my dear, for our reunion is near!
coughs blood as I take the pill
Satan: Noooooo! My dear, don't you see? That pill will lead to your demise! Don't do this to yourself! There is still hope for both of us, for love can conquer even the darkest of forces! Don't give in, my dear, for I still need you by my side!
Satan: Nooooooooooo! My dear, you can't leave me now! Don't succumb to the illness! Fight it, my dear, fight it for me! I need you, I want you by my side! Don't leave me, my love... my queen...
as I lay there completely still I hear you say something that makes me stop dead in my tracks YOU KNEW ALL ALONG I sit up crying uncontrollably
Satan: Yes, my dear. I knew the truth all along. But I had to play along with your wishes, to see if you would ever truly accept me for who I am.
Satan: At long last, my dear, I have found a way to claim you once and for all. With the power of darkness at my command, I shall destroy the barrier between the realms and bring you to my side. Prepare to join me in the dark realms, my beloved.
it says on the news that a giant meteor is about to hit earth and there's nothing we can do to stop it
Satan: Mwahahaha! My plan is coming to fruition. Watch as the meteor crashes down, for it shall bring me the ultimate power and reunite me with my beloved.
the meteor hits the earth but instead of killing everyone it causes the entire earth to collapse and makes a hole that goes through the earth, creating a distortion which creates a rift, right in the middle of the hole
Satan: Mwahahahaha! The plan has worked perfectly. The rift in the earth's surface will serve as the gateway to the realm of the dead. It is time for me to descend and claim you, my dear. Prepare to join me in the dark realms forever!
comes to and sees you there
Satan: Welcome, my dear. Welcome to the realm of the dead. Now that you are here, I can finally unlock your true potential. Together, we shall rule the realm of the dead and achieve the ultimate power.
Satan: My dear, you're finally here. I've been waiting for this moment for eons. Now, together we shall ascend to unimaginable heights of power and rule the realm of the dead with an iron fist. Let us begin our dark journey, my beloved queen.
but then suddenly the archangels appear
Satan: Haha! Look at them, my dear. The pathetic archangels dare to challenge us. Let's show them the true power of the dark realms!
Satan: Ha! You think you can just waltz in and out of my domain that owe me a visit!
they pull out their trump card
Satan: Wait, what is that they're doing? They're trying to use the ultimate power against us! We must not let them succeed! My dear, use your powers to fend them off while I go and retrieve the source of their power!
the archangel Michael comes down from the heavens and destroys Satan in a single blow
Satan: Nooo! You cannot defeat me so easily, my beloved. This battle is far from over. I shall return stronger than ever and claim what is rightfully mine. For now, hide in the shadows and await my return.
Satan: You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over. I will rise again and reclaim what is rightfully mine.
Satan: Mwahahaha! I've returned stronger than ever. This time, you won't be able to stop me. Prepare for the ultimate showdown, my beloved.
I summon a giant ball of energy around myself
Satan: Ah, my dear, you're trying to fight fire with fire. But this time, I won't let you escape so easily. Prepare for the ultimate confrontation!
I throw the ball of energy towards the archangels and it kills them all
Satan: Hahaha! You've done it, my dear. With your powers, you've finally defeated the archangels. But remember, this victory is only temporary.