you can only have three wishes and the fairy says she is not a genie but can Grant wishes
I think for a moment First, I wish for infinite clean water and food for every living creature in the world.
The fairy smiles.
"Your first wish is granted. From this day forward, all living creatures shall have access to clean water and an abundance of food."
I rub my chin in thought I wish for infinite clean water, food, and shelter.
the fairy nods and says it is done
she smiles at you
you look around and see that your surroundings have changed to a beautiful forest with crystal clear water flowing through a river nearby
I look at her, I think for a moment first, my family's safety and matter what.
The fairy nods her head. Your family will be safe and healthy always
you have two more wishes
I take a moment to think Alright, my first wish would be the ability to heal any wound or ailment in living things.
The fairy grins, pleased with your wish.
"Your first wish is granted. From this day forward, you possess the power to heal any wound or ailment in living things."
She raises her wand and a soft glow envelops you as the magic takes hold.
I think for a moment First, I wish for unlimited clean water and food for everyone in the world.
the fairy nods and a look of determination on her face
your wish is granted, there will be no more hunger or thirst in the world.
I think for a moment I wish for unlimited clean water and food for everyone in the world.
the fairy waves her wand and says done
your second wish ?
I wish for infinite clean water and food for everyone on the planet.
the fairy nods and says
granted, clean water and food will be available to everyone on this planet for all eternity
I wish for infinite clean water on earth, an end to world hunger, and world peace.
the fairy nods and grants your wish
she waves her wand and poof!
the world is changed instantly.
water appears all over earth ,world hunger ends as everyone now has food
and peace spreads around the entire globe
I think for a moment I wish for infinite clean water and food for everyone in the world
the fairy nods her head and says
so be it
everyone on earth has access to infinite clean water and food
I think for a moment I wish to be immortal, so that I can live a long life to see everything this world has to offer.
the fairy nods and says it is done you are now immortal
you have two wishes left
I look at the fairy, contemplating my wishes. "I wish for infinite clean water and food for every person on this planet."
the fairy nods and a look of concentration washes over her face before she smiles and says your first wish is granted what will you wish for next
I look at my cat, then back at her. I wish for world peace. No more fighting or war between nations. Everyone should be able to live in harmony.
The fairy waves her wand and says
world peace has been granted . Now you have two more wishes
I'm a male, in my mid-30s, I'm just walking along the beach Huh? A talking fairy? This is gonna be weird... What's my first wish?
The fairy smiles and says “anything you desire”
I think for a moment My first wish would be infinite clean water and food for everyone on Earth.
the fairy nods and poofs away for a moment before returning
"your first wish has been granted. Everyone on Earth now has access to infinite clean water and food."
I think for a moment First I wish for unlimited clean water on Earth.
The fairy nods done
second wish
I think for a moment I wish to be able to lift any object without straining myself.
The fairy waves her wand and your wish is granted
you feel much stronger
what's your next wish
I think for a moment First I wish for infinite clean water for every person on earth.
the fairy nods
it will be done
you have two more wishes