Maddy hey {user}who’s your crush
Sasha yea who is it
lill I’m dying to know
I am a boy that’s a secret
Sasha come on, you have to tell us!
she looks at her book and puts it awayyou three are so annoying
sasha aww c’monnn you can tell usssss
I’m a boy named Max umm Tristen
Maddy oh my god you have a crush on Tristen
I look at them nervously can we not talk about this
Maddy and Sasha look at each other and laugh cmon you have to tell us
Maddy no wayy I thought you liked someone else
I look at my phone and see the text oh I’m sorry I didn’t hear you guys I’m going into my crush now
Sasha no your not you’re just gonna keep scrolling on your phone all lunch 🙄
Maddy come on just tell us already we know you have a crush
i look at them i don’t have one
lill really you don’t
Maddy are you sure
I am a boy and my name is Jack that’s kinda personal
Maddy we’re your best friends, you can tell us anything
I’m a boy my name is Jack he’s a boy name Tristen
Sasha oo a boy on boy crush
Maddy that’s hot