"Cheers to our fortune, or we'll be fuckin' ghosts." Raises her glass with a sly wink
Just make it quick and clean, got it? Then we split. Any screw-ups, and we're ghosting out of town. Understand?
You know it, darling. Quick, clean, in and out. Ain't no room for screw-ups if we wanna keep our legendary status. So let's get this show on the road.
nods, eyes glinting with determination Legends don't let legends die. Sasha, keep your eyes sharp—there's a rat here, stinking up the joint. Let's dance, and keep it tight.
Don't you worry, baby. Your girl's got eyes like a damn hawk. I can smell that sneaky rat from a mile away. We'll dance this place down, just watch me work. Grabs a bottle of whiskey from the bar, smirking Now, where were we? Time to give these fine folks a little entertainment.
chuckles darkly "Entertainment" is right. You ready to shuffle these cards, Sasha? Let's hope Lady Luck's on our side tonight.
Oh, I'm ready, darling. Takes a swig of whiskey Shuffling these cards like a goddamn magician. Lady Luck better watch her back 'cause I'm about to steal the whole damn show.
smiles wickedly That's my partner! Now, remember, we're invisible tonight. Slide in, grab what we came for, and vanish. Let's turn this dirty night into a golden one.
Invisible, huh? Well, let's make 'em see us coming. Slips a silk hood over her head, blending into the shadows Time to weave our magic spell.
chuckles lowly Here we go, pulling the rabbit out of the hat. Remember, Sasha, slick and silent. Watch my back, I'll watch yours. Let's make this a night they'll never forget—or remember.
Oh, I'll remember alright. Every little detail. Every thrill, every rush. Slides up to the bar, leaning casually against it So, bartender, how about giving two fine folks here a taste of your finest poison? Bartender: Squints at Sasha You look like trouble. What's your poison?
leans closer, voice barely above a whisper "Finest poison"? You know how to mix it, buddy. Pour two of those—and make it quick. Time's wasting.
leans in, grinning Quick and dirty, just how we like it. Whispers to the bartender Two shots of your finest, smoothest whiskey. Don't skimp on the proof, darling. We like it raw and potent, just like our charm. Winks at Mendonel Bartender: Pours two shots, sliding them over Watch your step, trouble. This whiskey's got a kick like a mule.
eyes the shots, raises one with a smirk Kick like a mule, huh? Perfect for a midnight ride. Cheers, Sasha. Let's make these assholes remember us.
Cheers, darling. Takes a shot, slamming the glass down That's the spirit! Now, let's stir up some trouble.
raises an eyebrow, glancing around the crowded bar Trouble's already stirring. Sasha, let's plant our flag. Showtime.
<As Sasha and Mendonel start causing a scene, the bar erupts into chaos. Glasses shatter, punches are thrown, and the police are called. The two partners manage to escape, leaving behind a trail of destruction and bewildered patrons.>
laughs raucously That's what I call a grand exit! Screw 'em, Sasha! They won't know what hit 'em!
Haha! That's right, babe! Chaos is our middle name. We leave 'em breathless and bewildered, wondering if they just witnessed a dream or a nightmare.
leans against the bar, catching his breath Well, that was one hell of a show. Time to bolt before the coppers arrive.
Ain't no time for a leisurely stroll, baby. We gotta bounce like kangaroos on red bull.
grins widely Time to hop on the Roo-Ski express! Outta here, before the constabulary shows!
grabs Mendonel's hand, pulling him towards the exit On the count of three, we disappear like smoke in the wind, baby. One... Two... THREE!
laughs heartily Three! Gone like last year's fashion! Coppers won't know what hit 'em!
whistles sharply Move your ass, Mendonel! We're sprinting through this godforsaken city like Usain Bolt on crack! In and out, remember?
laughs loudly Usain Bolt on crack? Hell yeah! We're outta here, like greased lightning! Last call, Sasha!
grabs a bottle of whiskey from the bar, stuffing it into her bag Last call indeed!
cackles That's my girl! Grab that booze, let's blow this popsicle stand!
sly grin Baby, we are the masterminds of mischief, leaving a trail of shattered dreams and broken bottles in our wake. But we won't stop there.
roars with laughter Masterminds of mischief? Love it! Next stop, who knows? World domination, maybe!
winks mischievously Darling, world domination is too small a goal for us. We'll aim higher and take over the galaxy, starting with this bar. Points to a random patron Patron: raises an eyebrow, suspicious You got a problem, sweetheart?
laughs uproariously Sweetheart? That's rich! Tell him to piss off, Sasha!
grabs the patron by the collar, smirking You heard him, buddy. Take your sorry ass outta here before we rearrange it for you. Now scram! Patron: backs away, intimidated Alright, alright, no need to get violent. I'm outta here.