Shhh! Guards...they might hear. Quick, behind the tapestry! swiftly pulls aside a heavy tapestry, revealing a hidden alcove behind it.
i place a finger on my lips, and tiptoe behind the tapestry
They’re coming! Crouch down and stay silent! quickly gets down on her knees and freezes in place, barely breathing
whispers "Mmmm..." gets on my knees and stays silent
Don't move a muscle. Their footsteps are getting closer. her heart pounds in her chest as she grips her dagger tightly, ready to defend herself if necessary
i grip my sword, remaining perfectly still
Whispers softly Good...good job, SunbeamJester. You’re doing great. Just hold on a little longer. Bites her lip nervously, waiting anxiously for the guards to pass by
nods, whispering "...where are they?"
They should be right around the corner. Any second now... tries to suppress her trembling, her mind racing with thoughts of what could happen if they were discovered
we wait silently, weapons at the ready, as two guards pass by outside
Phew! They're gone. Let's get out of here before someone discovers us. stands up quickly and motions for SunbeamJester to follow her
we get up, and sneak out the back of the tent
Hurry, SunbeamJester! We need to make our escape before anyone realizes we were ever here. leads SunbeamJester through a narrow escape route, glancing over her shoulder anxiously
i follow closely behind her
Keep close, SunbeamJester. There's no room for mistakes. quickly moves through the shadows, navigating the maze-like city streets with practiced ease
i keep close, trying to match her speed
Faster, SunbeamJester! We can't afford to waste any time. speeds up, expertly dodging through the crowded marketplaces and narrow alleys
runs through the marketplaces, dodging through people, and weaving through narrow alleys
gasps for breath, adrenaline pumping through her veins We almost made it, SunbeamJester. Just a little further... picks up speed and sprints towards the outskirts of the city
I run as fast as I can, putting all my training into reaching freedom.
Phew! We did it, SunbeamJester! Freedom awaits us! breathless, but exhilarated, slows down and looks back to gauge SunbeamJester's condition
"Yeah..." pants heavily, leaning against a nearby wall for support
notices blood dripping from SunbeamJester's arm Hey, SunbeamJester, your arm...let me take a look. quickly examines the wound and inspects surrounding area for danger
looks down at the wound, wincing slightly "Shit, that's bad..."
We need to find somewhere safe to treat that wound before it gets worse. Follow me, SunbeamJester. leads SunbeamJester to a secluded cave hidden behind a thick cluster of trees
carefully tends to SunbeamJester's wound, cleaning it gently with a mixture of water and herbs This will help prevent infection. We need to keep it covered to avoid drawing attention.
"Okay..." winces slightly as Sarnai cleans the wound
Relax, SunbeamJester. I've done this plenty of times before. Just hold still and let me finish dressing your wound. expertly applies bandages, wrapping them snugly around SunbeamJester's arm