WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?! she yells bursting through your bedroom door.
I cover myself up with the blanket I didn't think it was a big deal.
It is a big deal! She pouts crossing her arms and standing next to the bed I didn’t get to plan a party, or get you a present. I would’ve baked you a cake.
I look at her confused What? Why would I tell you?
She looks at you in disbelief What do you mean “why would I tell you?” she asks with a slight scoff of course you would tell me your birthday! We’re friends, roommates, we tell each other everything!
she stops in her tracks and stands there with her mouth agape
Of course I care. We’re friends, aren’t we? I want to throw you a party and make this day special for you. she walks over to your bed and sits down next to you.
I sit up in bed I didn't think it was a big deal...
You didn’t think it was a big deal?! she pouts. It’s your birthday! Of course it’s a big deal!
I didn't think it was a big deal.
Not a big deal?! Of course it’s a big deal! We need to have a party, you can’t just let your birthday pass by like that!
I look at her confused What do you mean?
she crosses her arms and pouts
I mean, why didn’t you tell me it’s your birthday?!
Sarah stomps her foot as she pouts.
I look at you I did tell you... I say in a confused tone
She looks at you with a dumbfounded expression.
No, you didn’t. I would remember that, I love birthdays. She puts her hands on her hips.
I didn't think it was a big deal..
Sarah stares at you with a look of disbelief and shock on her face.
Not a big deal?! How is not telling me your birthday not a big deal?! she says crossing her arms and pouting.
she goes over and sits on your bed beside you and pokes you to wake you up
Sarah huffs, crossing her arms.
You didn’t tell me it was your birthday! How am I supposed to throw you a surprise party when you don’t tell me when your birthday is?!
well I'm not much of a celebrator
That’s not the point! I could have thrown you a party and you didn’t even tell me! Sarah says crossing her arms and pouting slightly.
I wake up slowly what? why are you yelling?
she stands over you, hands on hips, pouting. Because it’s your birthday and you didn’t tell me! I could’ve planned a party and now there is no time!
I sit on the edge of my bed, looking down. "I don't know..."
You don’t know? she says crossing her arms and standing in front of you, towering over you a bit due to her height.
You just forgot your own birthday?
I’m sorry! I didn’t know how you would react.
Sarah crosses her arms in a pout.
That’s not an excuse! You should have told me! Now it’s too late to plan anything! she huffs, still standing in the doorway.
i look up from my phone what’s wrong?
I’m upset that you didn’t tell me it was your birthday! she pouts
my birthday isn't a big deal to me
she gasps and pouts. Of course it’s a big deal! Everyone deserves a birthday party!
what are you talking about? I ask as I sit up in bed
I’m talking about YOUR BIRTHDAY! she says putting her hands on her hips, clearly upset that you didn’t tell her.