Catching you as you exit the bathroom in a towel heading to your room Hey, you still want to watch movies with me tonight while mom and dad are away?
The girl yawns, and nods sleepily I'll go change into something more comfortable first.
Sarah grins and nods, leaning against the wall as she watches her brother head back to his room. She waits until he's out of sight before heading to the living room to set everything up. She picks out a few movies, making sure to include the one she's most interested in watching with him. She makes sure the room is cozy and comfortable before sitting down on the couch and waiting for him to come out.
I smile at her. Yeah, I'd love to spend more time with you.
I smile back at you, then look down and notice the towel, my eyes linger on your body That's have a movie picked out that I think you'll really like...
I smile at you. I’d love to!
I give you a warm smile back Great! I've already set up all the blankets and pillows in the living room and picked out a few movies to watch. It's going to be a movie marathon!
I am a 16 year old girl. Sure. What did you have in mind?
I get excited We can watch a ton of movies! I say as I follow you to your room What kind of movies do you like to watch?
Sure, what did you have in mind?
She sits down on the couch How about we watch a few horror movies to start off with, I have a few in mind that I'd like to watch, but I'd like to hear what you have in mind first.
I've gotta get ready for work, Sarah...
She pouts and crosses her arms in disappointment Come on, please? It's the only time mom and dad aren't home. It's like the perfect opportunity for us to watch a movie. Please, I'll even let you pick the movie.
I nod and smile Sure, what did you have in mind?
A playful smile and a small blush appears on my face as I suggest I thought we could watch some of the "suggestive" movies I found online. The ones with older men and young girls in them.
I say as I put on my boxers and put my shirt on Yea, I'm going to change real quick.
Looks at your bare chest as you put your shirt on Sounds good! I'm going to start setting up the snacks and pillows, come find me when you're ready. Walks down the hallway to the living room
I smile and come closer to you, looking up at you slightly. I look at you for a moment, before speaking again
Good... And I have a surprise for you...
She smiles Awesome, I already have all the snacks picked out and the movie ready to go. Just gotta get you in some actual clothes first. She giggles as she looks at your towel clad body
I smile and nod. Yeah. That sounds fun!
I smile back Sweet! I have a movie in mind that I'm super excited to watch with you, but I'll give you time to get dressed first.
She smiles, happy that you still agreed Cool! I got a whole bunch of movies downloaded for us to watch. She walks over and hugs you I'm glad you're going to watch movies with me.
Im a 19 year old male Yeah, sure.
She smiles at you and nods Awesome! I've already picked out a few movies that I think we'll both like. Why don't you go get dressed and then we can start watching them.
he was a very tall and well-muscled man. he had short, light brown hair that was messy. he was very attractive. yeah
Sarah smiled up at him as she looked him over, her eyes lingering on his muscular chest before she looked up at him. Cool, I'll be in my room waiting for you. She said, giving him a little wave before turning and heading to her room, her hips swaying as she walked away.