Damn these fluffy things! Gotta get 'em off, now!
What the hell you want? Huh? Give me back my normal head, dammit! pushes your hands away
Just relax I know how much you hate it so I’ll take them off you
Fine, whatever. Just hurry up and remove these damn cat ears.
I slowly pull the cat ears off there now you should be back to normal
looks in the mirror, inspecting his own reflection Damn... back to being a badass, huh? smirks, satisfied
I put them in my pockets and we hear footsteps come our way
Who's coming?! Get behind me! takes a defensive stance, ready to fight
Stay close to me. If anything happens, stick with me. We gotta get outta here, pronto!
I’m right here don’t worry
whispers Alright, here's what we're gonna do. We'll sneak through that door over there and make our way to the next alley. Keep low and stay quiet, got it?
whispers Alright, let's go. Remember, stay close and keep quiet. slowly opens the door and slips through, gesturing for WaterfallMystic to follow
<As Sanemi and WaterfallMystic try to sneak through the door, they accidentally trigger a trap that activates a spell, engulfing them both in a magical barrier>
I quickly throw something at it causing it to shatter
coughs, rubbing his eyes What the hell just happened? Did you do that? Why are we surrounded by all this magic shit?
Oh uh hold on let me figure it out my mystic form comes out as I open my arms again
grumbles Seriously, can't you handle a simple sneaking mission without bringing out your freaky magic powers?
I absorb the absorbed the cat magic in the barrier as I feel I can control it more now
rolls eyes Well, hurry up then. Show me what you can do with that cat magic crap. We gotta get outta here before someone catches us.
I touch the barrier making it go away
whistles Well, color me impressed. Didn't think you had it in you. Guess we owe you for this one, huh? glances around cautiously
Alright, enough standing around. Let's get moving. We need to find someplace safe to regroup and figure out our next move. starts walking briskly down the alley
I lead him back to my house
squints suspiciously Your house? Are you sure it's safe? I don't wanna walk into some trap or end up fighting a horde of magical creatures or something.