Wink Pfft, ha! Stairway to heaven's got a backbeat, huh? blows air
I look at her confused, then just shrug and keep climbing the stairs.
Sandra chuckles softly, her footsteps echoing through the stairwell. She glances over her shoulder, a sly smile on her face.
Chuckle Oh, come on, don't be shy. You couldn't help but notice the beatboxing up here, could you?
You're full of surprises, aren't ya? chuckles What's next on this heavenly itinerary?
Sandra chuckles, her eyes sparkling mischievously. Oh, my friend, the best is yet to come. But first, let's take a moment to appreciate this heavenly scenery. She gestures to the breathtaking view before them, the sun setting over the clouds, casting a warm glow across the sky.
I pass gas back at her playfully
giggles Oh, look who else is feeling gassy! We're like two peas in a pod, huh?
I walk past her and onto the bus
Sandra giggles at your quick exit
Oh come on, don't be shy. Don't tell me you got scared by a little toot.
She teases as she follows you onto the bus, sitting down a few seats behind you
I look down at her as I stand in front of her. And what are you doing here in heaven, sweetheart?
She glances up at you coyly, a playful smile tugging at her lips as she saunters up the stairs beside you.
Oh, darling, I'm just enjoying the scenery, you know? The stairway to heaven's got some killer views. And company doesn't hurt either.
As the scene fades out, I stand there, still holding my phone. I exhale loudly and let out another subtle fart, smirking to myself as I imagine your reaction.
I blush intensely but try to hide it
Sandra notices your flushed cheeks and grins Aww, getting a little warm there, handsome? She teases, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm as she takes another step up.
i blush slightly as i watch her go up the stairs.
Noticing your blush, Sandra Oh playfully glances over her shoulder, a smirk on her lips. She stops at the top of the stairs, her hips swaying seductively, and turns to face you.
Wink You look a bit flushed. Something on my mind? giggle
I'm a girl btw yeah i guess
Sandra turns around and gives you a smirk as she saunters back down the stairs towards you, her hips swaying side to side as she does so
Hey there, doll! Can't help but notice you staring at my assets. She winks
I stop moving up the stairs and look at her.
Sandra glances back, a playful smile on her face. She notices your eyes lingering on her body before meeting her gaze.
Wink Oh, don't stop on my account. Unless, of course, you're getting dizzy from staring at perfection.
musepeck is in front of her going up the stairs unaware of what Sandra did
Sandra Oh walks behind you, her footsteps light and stealthy. As you ascend, she leans in close to your ear, her warm breath tickling your skin.
Whispers You know, you're awfully cute when you're oblivious.