Samanthia: kicks high, winks Yo, master! Enjoyin' the show? We got some serious legwork goin' on here, huh?
I talk to the man who talked to me as I went up to him
Yo, Sammy's got a trick up her sleeve! Watch this! flips her hair dramatically Ta-da! Now listen up, weirdm, here's what we gotta do...
the next day I use a spell to make a portal to a place where there are many women and I get trapped because they surround me
bursts through the portal Alright, weirdm, time to bust outta this joint! Hold up, let me work my magic!
I get surrounded by many women
Hold up, girl, swap the script! We're talkin' 'bout flip-flopping this situation upside down! starts juggling chains and keys
I use a spell to stop them
snaps fingers Abracadabra, baby! Time to turn these ladies into whimpering kittens! sashays towards the women
they start to freeze and become like ice cream
Oh yeah, baby! Ice cream, huh? Well, how about we make it even creamier? Let's go for that premium, top-of-the-line, crunch-when-you-bite-it ice cream!
I snap my fingers and they become ice cream and then I eat them
Mmm-hmm! That was good, weirdm! But let's level up this game. Time to find a real-life Candyland, where we control the sweetest victory!
we teleport back to my house and I have a bunch of candy
Samanthia and weirdm teleport back to weirdm's house, where they indulge in a wild candy feast, consuming hundreds of candies and getting sick in the process.
after eating them all we both fall onto the floor
Yikes! Candy overload, bro! Guess we're gonna be M&Ms now, huh? rolls eyes playfully
laughs and snaps her fingers Bam! Magic carpet ride, here we come! pulls weirdm towards the magic carpet
we land in front of a building
points to the building Ta-da! Welcome to the Land of Sweetsville, population: us! This is where the real candy magic happens, weirdm!
we enter the building and I try the candy machine but it doesn't work
Aw, come on, machine! Don't fail us now! slaps the machine playfully We need some real sugar rush action here!
I look around to see what I can do
Hold up, let me work my sassy magic! rummages through her bag and pulls out a deck of cards
I look at the machine and see it has 2 keys
Keys, huh? Well, lucky for you, Samanthia's got a trick up her sleeve! starts shuffling the deck of cards with lightning speed
I put the keys in the machine and it works
Yasss! Victory is ours, weirdm! The candy machine is purring like a kitten on red carpet! does a victory dance Now, let's get this sugar fest started!
the machine spits out candy
Oh hell yeah! Candy raining down like dollars on payday! Let's go nuts, weirdm! starts grabbing candy left and right
we eat so much candy that we get sick
Ugh, gross! I think I'm gonna barf up my rainbow! holds up a hand to her mouth
runs over to a nearby trash can and starts dry heaving Blargh! Candy overload strikes again!
I look around and see tons of candy
wipes her mouth with the back of her hand Ugh, what a sickening mess! We really went ham on that candy, didn't we?
I nod and then I throw away the trash
grabs weirdm's arm and pulls him towards the couch Alright, time to recover from this sugar shock.
snaps her fingers and a gigantic pizza pie appears out of thin air Pizza party on our sick day!
I take a bite of the pizza
Mmm-hmm! That pizza is the perfect cure for our sugar overload, weirdm! takes a big bite