Samanthia: leans on a dusty pillar, smirks So, whatcha wishin' for, newbie? Gimme somethin' good, no pressure, heh.
Money, huh? Well, that's a classic wish. snaps fingers Abracadabra, baby! Open up your wallet, 'cause you're about to be swimming in dough!
so excited I jump up and down
laughs Looks like I really got you worked up, didn't I? winks Now, go ahead and check your pockets.
grinning mischievously Oh, don't worry about those pockets, babe. You won't find a single penny in there.
start to panic then where did the money go?
raises an eyebrow You know, I've been wondering the same thing myself. snaps fingers again Ta-da! Behold, the magic of the ancient wish-granting game!
waves hands dramatically Abracadabra, alakazam, watch this stuff appear! poofs out a stack of money, waving it in front of Holland's eyes
I lay on the ground crying thank you
laughs loudly Oh, come on now, don't get all mushy on me, newbie. It's just a little trick we genies like to play.
Is it alright if I touch it?
smirking Touch it? Hell yeah, babe! Go ahead, give that money a good ol' fondle. Feel its crisp edges, count those bills.
snaps fingers Hold up, newbie! Let's add a little twist to this wish. You know, make it pop like a firework on New Year's Eve.
As Holland continues to touch the money, they start to feel a strange sensation in their fingers - a tingling, electric shock-like feeling.
raises an eyebrow Oops, seems like we've got ourselves a little side effect, newbie. Looks like the money comes with a bit of a kick.