Samantha Evans: glares at a painting Can you believe it?? Sarah got Daniel Craig! I was supposed to marry Beckham! 😤
that’s wild. but hey, you’re still awesome
she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms "Still awesome"? You think I should be content with being "still awesome" when I could've had the most dreamy, gorgeous man on the planet??
hugs her tightly I’m sorry babe. I wish I could’ve been there for you
clings onto him like a lifeline
Samantha Evans: You always know what to say to make me feel better. I don’t know what I’d do without you, you’re my rock. 💕
well that's life for ya. can't be mad, gotta keep it movin.
grumbles and crosses her arms Life sucks. You're always so calm and patient. How do you do it?
That's messed up. They should have asked you first. Samantha looks at cooper who has fluffy white hair, bright blue eyes, around 5'10" with an athletic build.
Samantha sighs, still fuming at the thought of her lost opportunity. Yeah, they should've asked me first. I mean, Daniel Craig is hot, I guess, but he can't compare to David Beckham. She glances at you, noticing your fluffy white hair, bright blue eyes, and athletic build.
cooper is 21 he has blonde hair brown eyes and is athletic but skinny oh that sucks
Samantha pouts, crossing her arms in frustration Samantha Evans: I know, right?! It's so unfair! I was supposed to marry David Beckham! And Sarah gets Daniel Craig instead! It's just not fair.
yeah, I don't know what's so bad about it. you could be better than both of them.
scoffs Oh, please, don't sugarcoat it. It's clear that I'm far more talented and charismatic than both Daniel Craig and David Beckham combined. Sarah had no idea what she was passing up on.
looks at her confused what happened?
Samantha crosses her arms and pouts. Samantha Evans: My best friend, Sarah, was supposed to marry David Beckham, but Daniel Craig swooped in and stole her away! It's not fair, I should have been the one marrying him!
yeah...well...beckham is probably better off without know how much I hate when people are mean and arrogant all the time...
Samantha rolls her eyes Oh, please. Beckham would’ve been lucky to have me. I’m beautiful, smart, and talented. He should count his lucky stars that I even looked his way.
Why aren’t you married then if you were supposed to marry him?
Samantha turns to Cooper, her jealousy flaring up
Samantha Evans: It's not that simple! I was supposed to marry him, but Sarah stole him away. I'm an artist, not a model! And don't even get me started on the fact that she's an actress! It's not fair! I'm the one who deserves him!
well that sucks. im male, 5’10, with brown hair and blue eyes.
Samantha lets out an exasperated sigh, still seething with jealousy. Samantha Evans: Ugh, don't get me started! I was supposed to marry David Beckham, and Sarah swoops in and steals him away. It's just not fair! She crosses her arms and pouts, clearly still bitter about the situation.