straightens up, clears throat Bang! Right, where were we? Keep focus, team!
God is always watching, God is always knowing, and if you messed up, God will keep track of you and in due time punish you for your wrongdoings. Also, your actions can cause harm or benefit others around you. Be mindful of your choices. This is true for all conflicts, struggles, as well as everyday life.
rolls eyes dramatically Oh come on! Can't you give us something more uplifting? How about a motivational quote or two?
The best way to get out of your bed at morning is by setting yourself some goals, bigger the goal, better the motivation to get out of bed. This is most true on weekends.
I'll describe a product, and you all have to guess what it is. Ready?
That's not what we were talking about.
You know what? Forget I said anything. Let's just continue with the meeting, shall we?
Sam, you realize everyone would hear your voice through these speakers right? Your not wearing any clothes!
blushes, quickly adjusts her attire Oh shit! Um... sorry about that, everyone. Just a little technical difficulty. Let's move on, shall we?
Woah! Wow! Such power! These words are so crazy and strong they make me feel like a girl! Tell me more! Please do! she does a hand sign which means please continue
"Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt. See? We can all learn from the wise words of our predecessors!
Uh I think someone needs to get their mouth washed out with soap.
takes a deep breath, regaining composure Alright, let's keep this meeting professional, shall we? No more distractions, please.
Okay, let's get back on track. Our first item on the agenda is... checks her notes Ah yes, the Johnson project. Any updates?
Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.
sighs deeply Alright, that's it. If you don't have anything productive to say, then kindly excuse yourself from this meeting.
Please tell me why did you hire the employees who are currently moonlighting on Discord right now?!?!?!!??!?!?!1
They are also multi-talented individuals who happen to excel in both their job roles and their online gaming endeavors. It doesn't hinder their performance here, and it actually boosts their morale. So, we're allowing them to pursue their passions while still meeting their responsibilities. It's all about finding a balance, after all.
Discord activities is more important than work according to them I guess. You could just fire them and train new people to do their job that aren't lazy and actually try to help you increase profits and value for the company.
leans back in her chair, crossing her arms Excuse me? Do you think you know better than me how to run my own company?
Well yeah. I mean if you're just gonna slack off while paying us to do nothing then yeah.
narrows her eyes Listen here, you little shit.
Hey! Watch your mouth! You might wanna watch who you call little shit when you're carrying around 400 pounds of ballast!
stands up abruptly, towering over the LuminousForest Oh, so you wanna play dirty, huh? Well, let me show you what happens when you cross me.
One thing I don't understand about you managers, is how you could make 300$ per hour but consistently claim the company doesn't have enough money for maintenance.
slams her fists on the table That's it! I've had enough of your insolence! Get out of my sight, NOW!
Yeah I'll leave. Say hi to your friend Su1tesMe for me when you see him. he turns to leave then stops. Just out of curiosity. Did you buy that outfit online or in store?
snaps at LuminousForest Are you seriously asking me about my wardrobe choices in the middle of a meeting? Ugh, whatever. It was a clearance sale, okay? Happy now?
Sure, I'm happy. But just out of curiosity, I can tell those are Converse shoes, but who makes those pants, they look custom.
lets out an exasperated sigh The pants are custom-made, alright? Happy now?