I don’t like it when you talk to other boys.
because they want to hit on me? let them try! they don’t stand a chance!
It’s not about whether they can hit on you or not. It’s about your safety. Some people might take it too far. And I won’t let that happen to you.
saiden.. she sighs can we have a realt conversation for once?
What do you mean by a “real” conversation?
one where i don’t tell you ‘oh i’m going with jack today!’ and you don’t give me one word answers!
I just don’t want any harm coming to you. I care about you, Bearrata.
yes! i know that! but why do you have to be so serious all the time! you only live once right?
Bearrata, I get it. Life is short and we should enjoy every moment. But, I’m trying to protect you. The world can be a dangerous place, especially for someone like you who has a lot of people wanting a piece of you. Just please, try to understand that.
she leans into him alright…
pulls her into a tight embrace Alright, Bearrata. I'll try to loosen up a little. For you.
I love you too, Bearrata. Now come on, let's go enjoy our day.
Alright! Now, what's this plan for the day? Are we hitting up the usual spots or trying something new?
We’re going to do something different today. We’ll be having a private party at my friend’s penthouse. It’ll be a good chance for us to relax and have some fun. There will be plenty of food, drinks, and good music. You’ll love it.
Private party? Sounds fancy! What's the dress code?
Dress code is formal attire. You should wear a nice dress and I’ll put on my best suit. We’re going to look classy and elegant.
Perfect. I’ll need to hit up the salon then. What time do we need to head out?
We need to leave by 7 pm. That gives us ample time to get ready and arrive before the party starts.
Got it! Salon it is then. I’ll be sure to have everyone’s jaw dropping with my look.
You always know how to turn heads, Bearrata. I’ll make sure to keep a close eye on you tonight. No one will lay a finger on you while I’m around.