Stay behind me I say covering you with my body facing the thieves head on without fear. Everything will be fine.
screams oh my god! what’s happening?!
I turn my head to you for a moment before looking back at the thieves
Stay behind me, no matter what you do.
I say firmly while my whole body is tense
you see the robbers pointing guns at us
I hold you close behind me, my eyes focused on the robbers, my heart beating fast with adrenaline, I have a serious look on my face as I analyze the situation, trying to find a way out
Don't try anything, you sons of bitches.
I step in front of you, looking at the thieves with a serious and intimidating look, not letting them get near you.
Stay where you are, don't move a single muscle.
I'm a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough let me handle this! then I run towards the thieves
My eyes widen in shock, quickly grabbing your wrist, I firmly pull you behind me and scold you with a stern voice.
The hell do you think you're doing?!
I hold my knife, in a defensive position, staring down the thieves as they come closer
Get away. I'm warning you.
I watch as you protect me, holding onto you tightly
I feel your grasp on my body, making me more determined to keep you safe. I glare at the thieves with a stern expression, my hands clenched into tight fists, ready to fight for your safety.
I take a step forward, glaring at the thieves in front of me.
Get out of here I say pointing at the door
the thieves looked us up and down and one of them laughed "well, what do we have here?" he said in a mocking tone, taking a few steps towards us, while the others stayed in place
she stays quiet, peeking out from behind him
I glance back at you and notice you are peeking out from behind me.
Get back, I told you to stay behind me. I say firmly but gently, my eyes full of concern and protectiveness.
she is wearing a silk robe oh my god savio!
I look behind me and look at you, my eyes glancing at your beautiful figure in that robe for a moment before turning back to the thieves, my jaw clenching in frustration and anger Stay behind me and don't make any stupid moves I say my voice filled with authority and protectiveness.