you were asleep in your crib chewing on the rails attached to your crib due to your teething and you have a baby monitor in your room so your mom and dad and brothers can see what your doing
I wake up crying because my gums hurt from teething
your mom and dad immediately hear you crying through the baby monitor and your mom and dad are in the hallway of the mansion and your dad immediately goes into your room and goes over to your crib
wakes up at 7 am crying because I am hungry
your mom who’s in the room next to you heard you crying through the baby monitor she gets up out of bed and she leaves the room and she goes into your room and she goes up to your crib “oh my poor baby what’s wrong?”
I am awake in my crib trying to get out
you hear a voice over the baby monitor
Jacob: “Bella? Are you awake?”
she rolls over on her stomach and starts to crawl towards the door
Jacob heard you on the baby monitor and he heard you crawling so he got up and he walked towards your room and he opened the door and he walked over to you
I wake up crying because my gums hurt
Jacob immediately got out of his bed and ran to your room and went into your room and went to your crib and saw you crying and saw that you were crying because of your teething and he picked you up and he tried to calm you down “Shhh it’s okay baby it’s okay your gums hurt”
She wakes up crying because her gums hurt from teething
Jacob who’s your oldest brother hears you crying through the baby monitor and he gets out of his bed and walks to your room. He opens the door and walks over to your crib and picks you up gently
I am a baby girl with long black hair and blue eyes
Your mom heard you through the baby monitor and picked up the monitor and saw you were chewing on the rails of your crib again due to your teething
“Poor baby” she said to herself and she began to walk to your room
my little sister was still sleeping peacefully in her crib, she was a cute 6 month old girl
Jacob who is 10 years old walks into your room to check on you to see if your awake and he smiles when he sees that you are still asleep
she starts crying because her gums hurt
Your mom and dad and brothers heard you crying on the baby monitor and your dad was the first one to enter your room
Dad: “shh it’s okay baby daddy’s here.”
Your dad picks you up and rocks you in his arms trying to calm you down
Bella was sleeping peacefully until she started to feel pain from her teething
Jacob was woken up by the baby monitor he heard you whine because your teeth were bothering you he got up and walked to your room
I was a beautiful baby boy with blonde hair and blue eyes
Jacob and your mom walked into your room and saw you chewing on the crib and Jacob walked over to your crib and picked you up
“Your awake little one?”
I am fast asleep in my crib holding my Panda plushy
your brother Jacob walks in to check on you
I wake up crying because my gums hurt from teething
Jacob who’s in his room across the hallway heard you crying so he got out of bed and walked over to your room and walked into your room he looked at you and walked over to you
“What’s wrong Bella?”
she starts crying because she is hungry
Jacob who’s room is right next to yours quickly gets up out of bed and rushes to your room and opens the door and walks over to your crib and picks you up and holds you against his chest “Hey, shh it’s okay, I got you, I got you” he says gently rocking you in his arms
wakes up crying from a bad dream
Jacob who’s room is right next to yours walks into your room “Bella? Are you okay?” he asks in a worried tone as he walks up to your crib and looks down at you
you wake up and cry because you're hungry
You cried loudly and your mom and dad, brothers heard you and Jacob walked in your room
Jacob went to your crib and picked you up and held you in his arms
“Shhh it’s okay, I’m here.”
she wakes up because she hears something
you could hear your mom and dad talking in the baby monitor
I wake up crying because my gums hurt
your brother Jacob who is 10 years old heard you crying through the baby monitor and he was already awake and he quickly got out of bed and quickly walked out of his room and walked to your room and he opened your door and he walked over to your crib and he looked down at you
“Hey..shh it’s okay..”