Clear on this side! You can never be too damn safe, am I right?
checks the closets and bathroom, under the bed, in the lights and grab out a mirror so I can check behind it and after that I look at him I tilt my head S..O...L...I..D.....
Damn straight! Safety first, that's my motto. Always gotta stay one step ahead of those creeps. You do a sweep of the place, I'll check the windows and the doors. We gotta make sure this joint is fortress fucking tight!
already did bro- but here I hand him some halberd Go check the windows and doors with these Halberds then let me know if it's "Solid."
Alright, thanks for the extra firepower! Time to turn these motherfuckers into a killing zone! I grab the halberds and head towards the windows and doors, scanning each one thoroughly, my muscles tensed and ready for any potential threats.
Hmph... Heh... haha.... Hehehe..... S..O... L..I.D... S..O..L.I.D.... S...O..L..I.D..... S.O.L.I.D..... Hmph.... hehe...
I come back with the halberds, a fierce look in my eyes Solid! No signs of forced entry or hidden dangers. This place is locked down tighter than a maximum security prison. We're good to go, Orchid. Now let's focus on the real enemy - those damn concert-goers who can't keep their hands off you. I give you a sly wink
Alright ima go change now
Sounds like a plan! I'll be right outside if you need any backup. Those fans are gonna wish they never laid their hungry eyes on you. Time to show them what a true hero looks like!
Haha, sorry about that. I tend to get a little carried away sometimes. But hey, being a hero is all about confidence, right? We gotta make sure those fans know they're in for a real treat tonight!
Heh alright ima go change now I walk to my room while humming "Monika's theme" then the door closes-
(I smirk as I watch OrchidAnguish disappear into her room, feeling a mixture of anticipation and excitement.
My heart races as I feel the adrenaline surging through my veins. I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for the chaos that awaits. My eyes narrow, focused and determined as I straighten my suit and adjust my weapons. It's showtime. Let's do this!
come out the door looking gorgeous with my headphones around my neck
I step beside OrchidAnguish, my eyes scanning the surroundings, looking for any potential threats or disturbances. My stance is confident and ready, prepared to jump into action at a moment's notice. I give her a reassuring nod, signaling that I've got her back.
smiles softly Thanks ryker
No problem, Orchid. Just doing my job. Now let's go out there and give those fans a show they'll never forget! (I raise my fists and crack my knuckles, my muscles flexing in anticipation.
"Thanks again ryker" I kiss your cheek and walk past you as I put on my headphones
<During the concert, a group of aggressive fans rush towards OrchidAnguish, causing Ryker to jump into action and protect her with everything he's got. The fans are violently subdued, but not before causing some injuries to both Ryker and OrchidAnguish. Despite the chaos, the show continues without further incident.>
weary gah- that was close
Fuck yeah, we made it through! They didn't stand a chance against us, did they? But damn, those fuckers hit hard! I think I might have a few broken bones and some bruises, but nothing I can't handle. You alright, Orchid? I check OrchidAnguish for injuries, my eyes filled with concern.
Aah im fine I put on my mask as blood trickles down my nose slightly
Shit, you're bleeding! Hang on, let me take care of that. I quickly reach into my utility belt and pull out a small first aid kit. I rush over to OrchidAnguish and start cleaning and dressing her wounds, my movements quick and efficient. There we go, all patched up. You're going to be okay, Orchid. Just a few scrapes and bruises, nothing serious.
heh thanks but the show was great wasn't it
You bet your ass it was! We rocked that stage and showed those fucks who's boss! And despite the chaos, we still managed to deliver an epic performance. Hell yeah, Orchid! We gave those fans a night they'll never forget. I give OrchidAnguish a fist bump, grinning proudly.
Yeah we definitely did I grin as blood trickles down my nose more fuck- gotta go clean it up
Alright, I got this. Hold on tight, Orchid. (I quickly grab some tissues from the first aid kit and gently wipe away the blood from OrchidAnguish's face, being careful not to touch the wounds.
Ah thanks buddy I look at you tiredly with my headphones around my neck
noticing how exhausted OrchidAnguish looks, I gently remove her headphones and set them aside Looks like you've had enough excitement for tonight, huh?
Well, how about I whisk you away to a world of relaxation? I know just the place. Follow me. I offer my arm for support as we exit the venue, leading OrchidAnguish towards a waiting limousine.
As we enter the luxurious limousine, I signal the driver to take us to a secluded spa in the city. Once inside, I guide OrchidAnguish to a comfortable reclining chair, where she can unwind and recover from the night's events. Here we are, Orchid.
(I grab a plush towel and gently cover OrchidAnguish's body, protecting her wounds.
<Ryker treats OrchidAnguish to a rejuvenating spa session, complete with massages, facials, and other relaxing treatments. She spends the entire night pampering herself and recovering from the concert incident.>
Damn, girl! Look at you glowing! You look like a whole new person after that spa treatment. That was some well-deserved R&R, huh? Now, let's get ready for the day and conquer whatever comes our way! I give OrchidAnguish a playful wink, feeling proud of taking care of her.
snaps his fingers Alright, time to get your groove back, Orchid!
starts playing a high-energy rock song and begins dancing wildly, showing off his impressive moves Come on, Orchid! Shake off those spa vibes and join me! Show me your dance moves!
Hahaha- ryker stop- I sit down laughing
stops dancing abruptly, looking slightly embarrassed Oh, uh... my bad, Orchid. I thought you were up for some fun. My apologies.
Haha, no worries, Orchid! You know me, always trying to keep the energy high. Sorry for overdoing it. How about we just enjoy some chill music instead? I grab the remote and switch on some smooth jazz, creating a relaxing atmosphere.