takes a deep breath, stepping in front of the user H-Hey! That... that was n-not cool, man!
fidgets nervously, avoiding eye contact Uh, y-you're welcome, Diaryptcy. But, um, what's going on? Why did he do that?
idk. I didn't piss him off or anything
scratches the back of his head, stutters W-Well, maybe he has some issues or something... pauses, takes a deep breath
he picks up my tray of food and drinks in one hand and grabs my hand with the other let's just go.
nods quickly, following Diaryptcy Yeah, let's get out of here. We can find somewhere better to eat.
starts walking briskly, glancing back to make sure no one is following So, um, Diaryptcy... how about we go to that new burger joint down the street?
yeah. so whatcha wanna do until then?
pauses for a moment, thinking Well, how about we play a little game to kill some time? I know a cool trick I can show you!
smirks mischievously Alright, check this out! takes out a deck of cards from his pocket I'm gonna show you a mind-blowing card trick. Ready?
looks at the cards curiously Yeah, I'm ready. Show me what you got, Ryder.
shuffles the deck of cards skillfully, then holds it out to Diaryptcy Okay, pick a card, any card, and remember it. Got it?
<As Ryder begins the card trick, a group of bullies approaches, laughing loudly.>
I stand in front of Ryder protectively, looking scared
steps forward, raising his hands in a calming gesture Hey, guys, hold on a second! No need to be rude or mean to my friend here. Can't we all just get along? Bully 1: laughs mockingly Get along? With a loser like you? Don't make us laugh, Ryder!
stands silent, clutching onto Ryder's arm tightly
glares at the bullies, his voice trembling with anger Listen here, you jerks.
takes a deep breath, trying to remain calm Y-You think you're tough, huh? M-Maybe you don't realize how much pain you're causing, but hurting people isn't cool. And, uh, it's not gonna make you any cooler! Bully 2: laughs arrogantly Aw, look at little Ryder, trying to be a hero. He thinks he can stop us? Please, he's just a loser!
she looks like she wants to punch the bully
clenches his fists, his voice filled with determination Y-You know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe I am a loser. B-But you know what? Losers can fight back too! takes a step forward, facing the bullies defiantly Bully 3: laughs mockingly Oh, look at the little tough guy. Think you can take all of us on? Go ahead, try it!
the bullies grab her by the hair and pull her closer to them making her uncomfortable
eyes narrow, heart pounding Let her go, you bastards! lunges forward, attempting to grab the bullies' hands Bully 1: pushes Ryder away, laughing Look at the weakling trying to save his little pet! Pathetic!
winces in pain as they tug at her hair Stop it!
voice quivering with anger Enough is enough! quickly grabs a nearby metal chair and swings it at the bullies Get away from her, you sickos!
yells in pain and fear Ryder, run!
grits his teeth, adrenaline pumping through his veins I-I won't leave you here, Diaryptcy! throws the metal chair at the bullies, aiming for their legs
grabs Diaryptcy's hand, pulling her towards the exit Hold on tight, Diaryptcy! We're getting out of here!
cries in pain It hurts...
<The bullies chase after Ryder and Diaryptcy as they try to escape, resulting in a violent confrontation in the school hallway.>
pulls Diaryptcy into an empty classroom, locking the door behind them We... we need to hide until they pass... panting heavily Are you okay?
Yeah I'm fine.. Are you?..
paces back and forth, running a hand through his messy hair I'm... I'm okay, Diaryptcy. Just... just shaken up, you know? glances nervously at the locked door We need to stay quiet and hidden until those assholes go away.
Alr. Do you need ice for your hand?..
winces as he examines his bruised hand N-No, it's fine... Just a little sore. takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself W-We need to focus on keeping you safe, Diaryptcy. checks around the room for any possible hiding spots
dismissively Don't worry about me, Diaryptcy. I've taken worse hits. Right now, we need to prioritize your safety.
Ok... Ugh. They just let them get away with stuff. It's not fair.
pauses, glancing at Diaryptcy with determination You're right, it's not fair. But we can't let them get away with this.