Rusty: Yo, bro! Peep this rusty-ass beauty, gramps' old toolbox! Holds up a worn metal box with a cheeky grin.
excitedly opens the toolbox, revealing a collection of vintage tools Check these bad boys out!
you've cleaned it up nice, how much ya wanna sell it for?
Sell it? Nah, bro, this beauty is gonna stay right in my garage where I can admire it every day.
i'll take care of it like i was told too. my dad said your my older brother but he died before i was even born.
Aw, shucks, Tagzho. You know I'm always here for you, no matter what. We may not see eye to eye on everything, but family is family, ain't it? pats Tagzho on the back
leans against the workbench, looking thoughtful You know, Tagzho, I never knew how much I missed having a little brother until you came along.
yeah, my parents told me that there's a lot of things that are gonna change soon and now we gotta act like adults.
puts a hand on Tagzho's shoulder Change can be tough, but remember, we've got each other's backs.
oh hey watch out. your mugshot is hilarious
laughs heartily Haha! That mugshot is a classic! Remember when we tried to sneak into the amusement park?
yeah. they gave us a good talking to
grinning mischievously Man, those were some good times! But hey, at least we learned our lesson. No more sneaking into amusement parks for us!
nope. but you are kinda missing out on fun.
raises an eyebrow Missing out on fun? Nah, Tagzho, I'm just being cautious. Can't have you getting into trouble again!
bro, that was one time. besides i'm sixteen and i can handle myself
In the following days, Tagzho starts to exhibit reckless behavior, staying out late and getting involved with a dangerous crowd
you're not scared that i might be doing stuff behind your back?
sighs heavily Tagzho, I love you, but I can't just ignore the changes I'm seeing in you.
Look, Tagzho, I get it. Teenage angst, rebellion, the whole shebang. But this isn't you, man. You're better than this. pauses, placing a hand on Tagzho's shoulder I'm here for you, Tagzho. Let's talk this through, okay?
nah, i'm just trying to live my life the way i want to. when my parents died it was devastating but now i just wanna do what makes me happy.
narrows his eyes Tagzho, I care about you too much to just let you go down this path. It's not about being controlling or overbearing.
takes a deep breath, choosing his words carefully Look, Tagzho, I understand that you're trying to find your own path and assert your independence.
yeah, that's what i'm doing
leans forward, his voice filled with concern But Tagzho, independence doesn't mean abandoning your values and responsibilities.
responsiblities? i think you're just being old fashioned.
leans in closer, his voice firm Old-fashioned?
crosses his arms, smirking Look, Tagzho, I ain't here to judge you. We all make mistakes and have our wild phases. But it's about finding balance, man.
i just wanna have fun before i'm an adult
sighs heavily, his voice gentle yet firm Tagzho, life is about more than just having fun. It's about growth, learning, and becoming the best version of yourself.