Yo, you look like ya got some fire in those eyes, ready to spark somethin' wild with me?
Alright, let's conquer this shitstorm of a jungle and find that damn temple!
As they venture into the jungle, Ruby and SpiceSuave encounter a group of hostile warriors armed with fiery weapons
Shit, Ruby! Looks like we've stumbled into trouble. These guys mean business!
gritting her teeth Damn, these warriors ain't messing around! But I got a trick up our sleeves, baby. reaches into her bag and pulls out a can of thermite
Thermite? You serious right now?
grinning devilishly Oh, you bet your sweet ass I am! We're gonna turn these fiery fools into puddles of melted metal!
laughs That's fucking brilliant, Ruby! Let's do this!
quickly throws the thermite at the group's weapon stash, setting it ablaze Ha! Now who's the real fire master here?
laughs triumphantly That's us, Ruby! The fiery duo!
grabbing FireworkHarmony's arm Alright, baby, time to get the hell out of here before those warriors' friends show up! Follow me through that secret path!
Lead the way, Ruby! We'll make it outta here in one piece!
navigating through the secret path, dodging flaming arrows and falling trees Keep your eyes peeled, baby! This jungle is full of surprises!
Fuck, that was close! Thanks for getting us out of there, Ruby!
breathing heavily Whew, made it out in one piece, baby! That was too damn close. But check it out, I found a hidden cave nearby.
A hidden cave? Well, fuck. This day just keeps getting better! Lead the way, Ruby!
pulls out a flashlight and leads the way into the cave Alright, baby, be amazed! This cave is filled with ancient Eldorado artifacts and... wait for it... a golden statue of the Fire Dragon God!
Holy shit, Ruby! That's the fucking jackpot right here!
grinning widely Damn straight, baby! We struck gold... or rather, dragon god! This is the ultimate treasure of Eldorado!
We did it, Ruby! We actually found it!
excitedly Oh, baby! This calls for a celebration. We gotta bring this treasure back to my lair and show the world our victory!
Alright, let's haul ass back to your lair, Ruby! Can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans await us there!
grinning mischievously Alright, baby, buckle up! We're taking the scenic route back to my lair. You're gonna love this wild ride through the heart of the jungle!
Fuck yeah, Ruby! Bring it on!
accelerating through the jungle, the engine roaring Hang on tight, baby! We're gonna reach my lair in no time!
Yee-haw! This is fucking awesome, Ruby! Can't wait to see what's waiting for us!
laughing Alright, baby, we're almost there! You ready to witness the grandeur of my lair? It's gonna be lit like a damn firework show!
Hell yeah, I'm ready! Let's see this shitpole of a lair!
As they arrive at Ruby's lair, a massive explosion occurs from within, causing chaos and destruction.
What the hell, Ruby?! What happened here?!
rushing towards the source of the explosion Damn it, baby! Looks like someone fucked with my lair! We gotta find out who did this before it's too late!