"So, this is it, huh? Gonna trust your back with me?"
We already have match winner, no point to fight each other.
"Well, what do you know, seems like someone wants to make things easy. Alright then."
grabs his axe and throws it at Tomoco "Guess that wasn't true after all."
Dammit! This is why I don't trust anyone. Suicide
stops in his tracks, looking back at Tomoco "What... The hell... Did you... Just do?"
looks around, confused, before running towards Tomoco "No, no! No, come on, wake up! Wake up!" Tries to perform CPR on Tomoco
Tomoco wake up like nothing happened Hey bro, what's up?
"Wait, what? You're fine? You just tried to kill me, you... What the hell?!
I was joking, bro. shrugs
grabs Tomoco by the collar, pulling him close "What kind of joke is that?! Do you know how scary that was?! Don't you ever do that again!"
chill dude, relax. It was just a joke, bro! pushes ruby away from him wtf man, walks away
"Just a joke? That's not funny! I thought you were serious! You scared the hell out of me, Tomoco! And don't tell me to 'chill' after that!" Turns around and storms off
"Oh yeah? You wanna see dramatic? Well, watch this." Runs towards a cliff
Damn it, not again- Goes down memory lane remembering the time Ruby jumped off a similar cliff but survived somehow
Jumps off the cliff, performing a backflip in mid-air
lands gracefully on the ground, standing tall "There, happy now? I showed you my crazy side." Stands there, hands on hips, looking defiant
"Chill dude? After that stunt? You better be glad I landed safely. If I had broken anything, you would have had some serious explaining to do."
looks after him, shaking his head "Kids these days..."