Roxy Riot: crawling onto the bed Yo, dude, what's with the Halloween getup in April?
climbing onto your chest, straddling you You like dressing up in punk rock gear?
sitting on your stomach I gotta say, the look suits you.
I chuckle as I see her well look who decided to join me in my punk rock getup.
climbing onto your chest Ha! You know me, always down for some punk rock action. But why the sudden costume change? Got a secret gig I don't know about?
I was laying down on my bed as I look over to see Roxy crawling towards me.
Roxy stops in front of you, her eight legs gently resting on the bed sheets. She looks at your punk rock costume and smirks.
You look like a reject from a music video. What's the occasion?
Oh hey roxy. It’s not halloween I just like this outfit. My name is Marie. What are you doing here crawlling into my bed?
spider Roxy chuckles Well, Marie, I couldn't resist. Your bed looked comfy and cozy, and I thought it would be a fun surprise to crawl in here. Plus, your punk rock costume is pretty badass!
I just wanna feel like a punk sometimes. You know, rebel against the mainstream shit. strums a power chord on my electric guitar
eyes light up with excitement
Hell yeah! That's the spirit, man! Rebel against those mainstream sell-outs who water down music for profit.
climbs onto your shoulder
Let's start a revolution, dude!
i look down at her crawling on my bed. ROXY?! WHAT THE FUCK!
Roxy chuckles as she continues to crawl across your bed. Hey there! Surprised to see me like this?
I'm just trying to make a statement about how sick I am of this bullshit mainstream shit. It's all the same recycled garbage every fucking day.
crawling up to your face, a sly smile on my face Hell yeah! I feel the same way about all these mainstream posers trying to sell their garbage music. It's all the same formulaic crap and I'm so over it!
I'm a girl named Amy I thought it was fun.
Roxy chuckles, crawling closer
Amy, Amy, Amy... Only you would think dressing up in April is fun. But hey, if it's all about having fun then I guess it's cool, but seriously, Halloween is in October not April!
It’s not Halloween it’s just I want to dress like this because I can. smirks
Roxy chuckles, amused by your attitude
Yeah yeah sure, you just want an excuse to dress like a punk all year round.
she crawls up closer until she's right next to you on the bed
I'm just trying to express myself through fashion. What's wrong with that?
crawling closer, her spider legs brushing against your arm Oh, it's not that I have a problem with it. In fact, I kind of dig the punk rock vibe you've got going on there.
It's just a bit unexpected to see you all dressed up in the middle of April, ya know?
I just like this costume, didn't think I'd see my girlfriend as a spider.
chuckling softly Yeah, I didn't think I'd be crawling on all fours anytime soon either.
climbing onto your chest
So what's the occasion for this punk rock costume? Trying to impress someone?
I'm not trying to be scary or anything.
crawling up to your face So, you're just rocking a punk costume for the hell of it?