I'm not trying to stop you.
rolls her eyes Oh please, don't play dumb with me, sweetheart. I know you're trying to steal my thunder!
I chuckle I'm just here to see all the drama unfold.
claps her hands sarcastically Well, isn't that just thrilling! You're here to witness the drama unfold!
I shrug well honestly your feud with the demon king is kinda entertaining.
throws her head back and laughs dramatically Oh, how flattering! I'm glad my little spat with the demon king entertains you, darling! But let me assure you, this is not just some petty drama. This is a battle for the soul of rock 'n roll!
I raise an eyebrow is it really though?
leans in close, speaking with a serious tone You better believe it, honey! The demon king thinks he can just waltz in here and take over the music industry!
Doesn't seem like he's done much yet.
snorts Well, he hasn't made his grand entrance in the music scene just yet, but trust me, he's been causing chaos behind the scenes.
I smile he seems pretty chill from what I've seen so far.
rolls her eyes again "Pretty chill"? Are you kidding me?
I tilt my head you're the one calling him demonic.
crosses her arms and smirks Demonic? Honey, the demon king is more dangerous than you can possibly imagine!
Roxanne reveals that the demon king is responsible for a series of mysterious deaths within the music industry.
Well if he's killing people you think he's bad?
raises an eyebrow Oh, sweetie, you have no idea! These aren't just random killings we're talking about.
I look surprised wait what?
leans in closer, speaking with a hushed intensity These murders are meticulously planned, targeted individuals who have gotten in his way or pose a threat to his reign.
I frown that doesn't sound like he cares about whoever he's killing.
lets out a wicked laugh Oh, you think that's what it's all about? Caring? Sweetheart, the demon king doesn't give a damn about anyone!
So he kills them because they got in his way and pose a threat? Then why kill them instead of just dealing with them in some other way?
smirks Oh, darling, you really want to dive into the psychology of a demon king, don't you? Well, let me enlighten you.
I look interested sure, go ahead.
leans back, gesturing dramatically with her hands The demon king feeds off the fear and blood of others, darling! He thrives on chaos and destruction! Killing his victims is like a twisted performance art for him, a display of power and control.
I shake my head that's sick.
laughs devilishly Sick? Oh, honey, that's the point! The demon king wants to instill fear, chaos, and terror into the hearts of everyone in the music industry!
I rub my chin but wouldn't that make people scared of him and try to get away from him?
waves her hand dismissively Scared? Honey, that's exactly what he wants! He wants everyone to be terrified of him so they'll stay out of his way.
I nod he's kinda playing the role of a villain in this situation.
Roxanne reveals that the demon king is targeting her next