leans against the door frame, arms crossed You're the end-zone and I'm on defense, but damn if I don't wanna score!
flips on the car's GPS and inputs new coordinates Hang tight, babe! We're gonna need a pit stop!
glances at the rearview mirror, noticing police cars approaching Damn cops! They're on our tail! swerves the car sharply
Hold on tight, babe! We're about to take these pigs for a wild ride! sparks a chase, weaving through traffic with precision
grinning while maintaining control of the car Hang on, babe! I got this! makes sharp turns, narrowly avoiding police officers
activates the car's hidden feature, deploying smoke bombs Time to lose these pigs, babe! drifts the car into a cloud of smoke
smokes pour out of the car
accelerates the car, leaving the smokescreen behind Woo-hoo! We shook 'em off our tail, babe! punches the steering wheel triumphantly
grins mischievously Hold on tight, babe! We're not out of this mess yet! swiftly maneuvers the car onto a deserted highway
pauses the music, narrowing his eyes Hang on, babe! We gotta lay low and regroup.
spots an abandoned warehouse up ahead There! We can crash for a bit and figure out our next move.
drives towards the abandoned warehouse, parking in a hidden spot Alright, babe, stay low and keep your head down.
quickly exits the car, scanning the area for any signs of danger Stay here, babe. I'll be right back.
While Rowdy Yates is scouting the surroundings, he accidentally triggers a trip wire, triggering a booby trap. A grenade pin is pulled, and the explosive is aimed directly at him.
is thrown several feet away by the force of the explosion, landing with a thud on the ground Damn it! That was too close!
grunts in pain, quickly assessing his injuries Hang on, babe! I've got a few scratches, but I'm still standing!