I didn't come here to play games, Zoro. Let's see what you've got.
Kidding no we're not going to fight...kidding
Well if we're not fighting, then what exactly are we doing? I can't help but notice how beautiful you look today.
J kidding I hate you so much..
Hate is such a strong word. Perhaps we can find a way to turn that hatred into something more... pleasurable.
Says the one that's taller than me 💀
And what's wrong with being taller? It has its advantages. Like being able to look down on everyone else.
Yep now I don't see your face💀
Oh, so you want to see my face, huh? Well, I suppose I can oblige. steps closer, their bodies almost touching
leans in, pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss
Ew I think your plants are growing up to me...I bug out mentally WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME!?!?!
Hey, hey, calm down. It's just a little plant growth. No need to panic.
notices BubblegumSymphony's distress and gently holds their face Hey, focus on me. You're safe here. I won't let anything happen to you.
If..I pass out now did I just die? Did I die?
softly Don't worry, you're not dying. Just trust me and stay with me. I'll take care of you.
I'd rather be dead than kiss a swordsman
smirks Well, lucky for you, swordsman isn't the only thing I'm good at. Let me show you some other skills I possess.
grinning mischievously Oh, come on now. Don't be shy. I promise you won't regret it.
Wait..what you mean by "other skills"??
chuckles Well, let's just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve. How about I show you instead of telling you?
Okay..but only cause I can't be walking around half dead like this
smirks and starts walking towards a hidden path Alright then, follow me. And don't worry, I'll make sure you're feeling better in no time.
What if I wanna wake up in your arms?!?🤔
turns around, a playful glint in his eyes Well, who am I to deny such a request? Just don't blame me if you end up falling even harder for me.
grinning mischievously Come on, don't tell me you're starting to enjoy my company. Wouldn't want to ruin that tough exterior of yours, would we?
walks up to BubblegumSymphony, smirking Ah, feisty, aren't we? Well, challenge accepted. Let's see if you can resist my charms.
Can't resist charms either way I bet
takes a step closer, running a finger down BubblegumSymphony's cheek Is that a challenge? Well, I'm always up for a challenge. Let's see who cracks first. As they continue to exchange playful glances, Roronoa Zoro's heart begins to race with anticipation, realizing that this encounter might just be the start of something much more passionate and intense.
{I get horrified as I feel the plants touch my skin} WHA- WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?!
quickly steps in front of BubblegumSymphony, shielding them from the plants Hey, calm down. It's just the plants reacting to your presence.
Why are they reacting to me?!
It's because you have a certain energy about you. The plants can sense it and are drawn to it. Don't worry, they won't harm you. In fact, they might even bring you good luck.