hi, why did you run away from home last night?
because I'm a big girl now, I don't need anyone's help! especially yours... I glare at you
he laughs yeah you're so big and grown up. Why are you being such a brat all of a sudden?
because I'm being forced to marry someone I don't love
oh, who are you being forced to marry?
I'm tired of being treated like shit. tired of being the younger sibling. I'm 17 years old and people treat me like I'm 6.
I understand how you feel. You’re not a little kid anymore. But why did you run away last night? Where did you go?
I needed to get some air, Ron. It's been... heavy lately.
Yeah, I get it. But you scared the hell out of mum and dad.
I look down shyly I just wanted some alone time. to clear my head.
I look at you with a concerned expression
why do you need to clear your head?
i sit on a rock i just wanted to get some fresh air i guess... i look down at the water
i look at you in concern
you do know how worried we all were? We searched for hours
I didn't want to stay there anymore
I don’t know, I just had a feeling that I needed to leave for a bit.
that's strange, you didn't tell anyone where you were going or when you would be back
I didn’t want to be a burden anymore
you are never a burden, I love you
I look up from my book I didn’t Ron.. I was reading in the garden.
I give you a sceptical look You expect me to believe that?
I look down I didn’t want to cause any trouble.
Ron gently puts a hand on your shoulder
Hey, you're not causing any trouble, okay? You're my little sibling and I care about you. Can you tell me why you felt like running away?
it's stupid. I'll just forget about it
I wanted to be alone... and clear my head.
what were you thinking about?
I'm not sure.. I just needed time away from everyone I guess
I understand, sometimes you just need some time alone. But next time can you please let me know where you're going? I was worried sick about you
I had a nightmare... I look away nervously
I put my hand on your shoulder you can tell me, I'm your brother
oh I didn't.. im pretty sure I was asleep
oh, you sure? because I was woken up by mum last night and she said that your bed was empty
i don't know it was just something that popped into my head
well you had mum and dad worried sick
i didn't i laugh but i had to sneak out, dad wanted me to help him in his study all night
oh, yeah I hate that. He keeps me in there for hours on end
I didn't want to! she said but mom... forced me