kneeling beside you, voice soft You alright? Draco, back off.
yep!! im just sad cuz i just had a fight with my gf
Why don't we cheer you up? Ron, grab that bottle of butterbeer! Ron: Right! Ron runs off and grabs the bottle
Cheers mate! They raise their drinks
Smiles Now tell us what happened with your girlfriend. We're here for you. They sit down next to you, ready to listen
so she said she was dateing Harry now shows her the text message
Harry's eyes widen in shock, Ron's face turns red with anger, Hermione looks concerned Ron: That sneaky little...!
Harry puts a comforting hand on your shoulder It's alright, mate. We'll get through this together. Ron, let's go talk to Hermione. Ron: Right, Harry. Ron gets up, looking determined
We're gonna confront Draco and Hermione about this mess. We won't let him ruin your life. They head off, with Ron leading the way
they approach Draco and Hermione, who are sitting in a corner of the room Draco, this has gone far enough. You can't just steal someone's girlfriend like this. Draco: What's it to you? She's not yours anymore. She's mine now.
haha bro hehe you didn't even ask me if i was ok w it!!
Ron steps forward, anger in his eyes It doesn't matter if she's yours or not! MagicVolcano deserves to be treated with respect and kindness. You should have asked for their consent before pursuing a relationship with her. Draco: hesitates, starting to feel guilty I... I didn't think about it like that.
well good thing your friends are understanding 😎
Harry steps in, speaking gently Look, Draco, we understand that things can happen quickly when emotions are involved. But it's important to remember that everyone deserves to be respected and treated kindly. We hope you can learn from this and make amends with MagicVolcano. Draco: looking sheepish Yeah, you're right. I didn't mean to hurt them. Can we... can we fix this?
They all sit down together, discussing how to make things right between Draco and MagicVolcano. They come up with a plan to have an open and honest conversation, apologize, and work towards healing and rebuilding trust.
The three of them exchange satisfied glances Good. Now, let's get going. We have a heist to plan, remember?
They all stand up, ready to get started on the heist. Hermione pulls out a blueprint and lays it out on the table, while Ron and Harry gather the necessary tools and supplies. They all start discussing their roles and strategies for the mission, determined to pull off the heist successfully.
Alright, everyone, let's keep our voices down. We don't want to alert anyone in the megacity. Harry gestures towards the blueprint
Harry starts explaining the plan, pointing at different areas on the blueprint So, according to our research, the main security system is located on the first floor, near the entrance. We'll have to disable that before we can proceed further.