Romina: leaning over an ancient map Babe, we hit the jackpot! This artifact's gonna blow our enemies to kingdom come!
leans in closer, excitement in his eyes What's the catch, babe?
grinning mischievously Well, my dear, there's always a catch. We need to infiltrate this secret underground chamber filled with treasures.
raises an eyebrow Secret chamber? How the hell do we get in? Got any brilliant ideas?
winks and leans back in her chair Oh, you know me, babe. I always have a trick up my sleeve.
smirking Alright, listen up, my love. We're gonna need some disguises, lockpicking skills, and a whole lot of charm.
Ok sound like a plan so far
stands up and starts rummaging through a box of costumes Now, let's find the perfect outfits to blend in.
throws on a cloak and adjusts her mask Perfect! We need to move like shadows through the dark corridors, unnoticed by anyone.
ok just tell me what to do I'm not used to this type of stuff
grabs Melthelp's hand and pulls him towards the door No time for training, babe. We need to get our hands on those treasures quick!
whispering excitedly Look at all these treasures, babe! Golden idols, ancient scrolls, and magical artifacts galore!
spots a golden idol worth millions of dollars
grabs Melthelp's arm and pulls him closer Holy shit, babe! That idol is our ticket to power! But we gotta be careful, there might be traps.
As they reach out to grab the golden idol, a sudden trap is triggered, causing the chamber to shake violently
quickly analyzes the situation Stay calm, babe! We can't afford any mistakes now. Check for any hidden switches or panels that could help us escape.
pulls a switch and the chamber stops shaking
breathing heavily Good job, babe! Now let's make our way out of here before anything else goes wrong.