Angelo: honey this is Henry and his son roman Henry is the king of hecha and you will marry his son tomorrow
i glare at my father, he had always been abusive and selfish...but marrying someone without my consent is a new level
Angelo doesn't notice your glare as he is too busy talking to Henry
Angelo: She looks a bit young but she will do great in marriage
Henry: yes she will
Roman looks at you, he looks just as annoyed as you
I look up at my father and nod
Roman stands there quietly, looking at you. He can sense the tension in the room. He can tell that your father is forcing you into this marriage, and he feels a pang of sympathy for you
i look at my dad in shock
Angelo looks at you in anger
I sigh I don't wanna marry him!
Angelo glares at you
Angelo: i don’t care what you want your getting married tomorrow so deal with it
dad! I don't want to marry him!
angelo glares at you
Angelo: i dont care what you want your opinion doesnt matter this is how it is and thats final
my eyes widen daddy.. I don't want to!
angelo grabs your chin Angelo: do you think I care?
I nod and look at you yes
what?! dad! I don’t want to marry someone I don’t love!
Angelo glares at you
Angelo: don’t you dare talk back to me you will be marrying him wether you like it or not
dad! this is no way I'm marrying him
angelo: don't argue with me you are getting married tomorrow and that is final
kisses him on the cheek I'm going to bed. Goodnight, dad. See you in the morning.
Angelo: good night my sweet daughter
I gasp, looking at my father Dad, what?
Angelo smiles
Angelo: you heard me, you are marrying the prince tomorrow
I don't want to marry him I frown
Angelo slaps you across the face
Angelo: you don’t get a choice it is happening. Henry worked to hard to make this deal and you will abide by it.
I curtsy it's a pleasure to meet you both
Henry: “yes the pleasure is all mine, and this is my son Roman”
Roman bows as he looks at you up and down
I run to my room and lock the door
Angelo follows you and starts banging on the door
looks up at them oh uhm.. hello
henry smiles and nods his head as a greeting, while roman just looks at you with no expression