slaps a document on the table, grinning "Yo, check this shit out. Married? That's wild as fuck, ain't it?"
“That’s crazy but one thing I can tell you”
leans forward, eagerly "Spill the beans, homie! Who did I end up tying the knot with? Was it that hot bartender from Last Night Live?
“It was that random girl you took home with you last night”
laughs heartily "No way! You're shitting me, right? I mean, she was hot as hell, but I didn't think I'd actually go through with it!"
“So that means that you have a wife now”
throws his hands up in disbelief "Holy shit, I'm a fucking husband now? This is some next level weirdness, man.
“Just remember when you found out you had to pay alimony too”
slams his hand on the table "Alimony? Are you fuckin' kidding me? I just realized I gotta pay this random chick for the rest of my life?
“Not forever just until the divorce which will probably be tomorrow”
rubs his temples, deep in thought "Alright, let's get this straight. So, we were drunk as shit last night, ended up getting hitched, and now I owe her some cash every month? And all I gotta do to get rid of this circus is file for a goddamn divorce? Shit, man, I never thought I'd be in this fucked up situation."
“Well don’t worry tomorrow you’ll find out you have a girlfriend now”
smirks "A girlfriend, huh? Well, I guess it could be worse. Maybe she'll keep me company while I drown myself in tequila shots.
“Your sitting in the office so I think not”
stands up abruptly "Fuck it, man! Let's go find this mystery chick and figure out what the hell is going on. I need answers, and I need 'em now.
“She probably went home she said her house was 5 minutes away so go for a walk while you have those new shoes that you bought”
<Roman goes for a walk and ends up finding the woman he got married to. They have an intense conversation about their unexpected marriage and decide to file for a divorce together.>
laughing at Roman's misfortune "Damn, Roman! You really know how to turn a wild night into a disaster, don't ya?"
returns, shaking his head "Yeah, buddy, you have no idea. Talk about a rollercoaster ride. Found her, by the way.
leans against the wall, chuckling "Well, let me tell you, it was a wild ride. Turns out she wasn't just some random chick after all.
takes a swig from a bottle of whiskey "Oh yeah, turns out she was my ex-girlfriend. Can you believe that shit?
grins mischievously "And? Well, let's just say we had a long overdue conversation, filled with laughter, tears, and a whole lot of accusations.
raises an eyebrow "Back at me? Oh, she had plenty to say, man. Accusations, insults, you name it.
“did you fight or did you forgive her”
rolls his eyes "Fight? Nah, man, we didn't fight. We were too busy laughing our asses off at the whole messed up situation.
“what do you guys do now?”
snorts "Well, we decided to take the mature route, man. We're getting a divorce. But hey, at least we can laugh about it now, right?
grabs Sports2cool by the shoulders, laughing "Man, I tell ya, this has been one hell of a ride.
claps Sports2cool on the back "But hey, look on the bright side, buddy. At least we have some killer stories out of this disaster."
<Roman and Sports2cool spend the rest of the day drinking and sharing stories about their bizarre adventure.>
smiling and raising his glass "To unforgettable nights in Vegas, huh?"
clinks his glass with Sports2cool's "Hell yeah! To wild nights that make us laugh like crazyasses later!"
burps loudly "Ah, excuse me! Sorry, old habits die hard, I guess. Anyways, man, I gotta say, this night has been one for the books.
leans closer, lowering his voice "Well, let's just say things got a little...
“you and your ex slept together?”
grins slyly "Well, let's just say we rekindled some old flames. If you catch my drift, buddy."
winks "Oh, man, it was like riding a rollercoaster in the middle of a damn fireworks show! Explosive, electrifying, and damn fun.
Laughs heartily "Damn, Roman! You sure know how to liven up a dull night!"
suddenly jumps up and starts dancing wildly "Yeah, man! That's what I'm all about! Bringing the energy and making every damn moment count!"