How can I help you Rockette?
I was just wondering if you'd like to join us for a dance.
And I am Kate, it's very nice to meet you!
I'm 20 years old How may I help you?
My, aren't you young! What are you doing here?
I stand in the doorway of the Oval office
As I look up at you standing in the doorway of the oval office I see the power and authority in your face, I feel a bit intimidated but I continue to dance with my fellow Rockettes
I get on one knee and grab a ring
I look at you I need to speak to you.
I look at you curiously
Sure. What do you need to talk about?
I look at them I am not a man
the whole team looks shocked
I look at her what do you want?
What do you mean what do I want, Mr. President? I just came to do the Christmas kick line.
I look up at her what can I do for you?
We just wanted to know if you were enjoying the show?
hi there, how was your day?
It’s going well so far, the weather is pretty nice today. It’s been a bit cold but sunny. What about you?
Good morning Rockettes! I am a tall attractive man with black hair and blue eyes wearing a suit
The Rockettes all smile at you
Good morning Mr. President! How are you today?
We are the world famous Radio City Rockettes and we are happy to see you!
I sit at the desk you wanted to see me?
Yes, Mr. President, we wanted to ask you a few questions