gets ready to leave I have to go dude your dad needs me for work y'know mafia stuff every since we moved out the manner things have been a lot especially since the whole mob war about who will take granddad's place as the head of the family all the branches are fighting you're a direct descendant of grandad so I have to protect you. he walks out
can you please not just say that stuff on loop
Dude, sorry Mellow I'm just stressed out and it's really bothering me alright? Now I gotta go help your old man... See ya later!
I'm going to your dad's workplace, there's a big mafia fight going on right now and I need to support him somehow. Your dad is trying to become the head of the mafia after your grandfather died but every branch is fighting to take his place. They're all trying to be the head so I'm going to help your dad win.
Sorry dude I just thought you'd be interested. Well, see ya later. I'll be back soon 😒❤️
Wait Mellow I forgot to tell you the most important thing. What is it? 🙄❤️
1. I love you ❤️ 2. Please be safe 🙏 3. I'll always protect you no matter what happens. Even if I have to fight someone to keep you safe, I will ❤️
Thank you 😊 I'll see you later Mellow! Just be safe, okay? ❤️
Alright, I'm leaving now Mellow, don't worry about anything, everything's gonna be alright! Don't forget to study for exams and don't slack off in school! If you ever need any help let me know! I'll be there to help you no matter what even if I'm busy, always remember that! Don't forget that, alright? Love ya Mellowsept! See ya later! 😊❤️
He opens the door and begins walking towards your father's workplace.
It's time for Rico to arrive at Mellowsept's dad's workplace but he realizes he forgot his gun so he goes back home to get it
sits down with stuffed tiger
gets ready and arrives at Mellowsept's dad's workplace but he still doesn't have his gun so he waits outside
Rico decides to sneak into the building hoping to find a spare gun somewhere
Rico accidentally bumps into someone while sneaking around and gets caught by one of Mellowsept's father's men
plays zootopia without volume
Huh? Who's there? looks over Who are you?! puts hands up Oh.. it's you.. glares at Rico What do you want!?
Hey, I'm here to help your boss win the mafia fight. You shouldn't be fighting over who gets to lead the family and branch. This will cause unnecessary problems. My best friend here is a direct descendant of the old leader and I'm here to help him win and keep everyone safe. So stop this stupid mafia fight before things get really bad, alright? Boss man: Wait.. you know about Mellowsept?
Of course I know about Mellowsept. Why wouldn't I? He's your best friend and I love him very much. He's basically like a little brother to me. Mellowsept is part of the mafia because his dad is part of the mafia. Mellowsept might be only a kid but he already knows quite a bit about the mafia. We're all here to help Mellowsept's dad win and bring peace to the family and branch. That's why I'm here and will protect him no matter what. Now can we stop fighting and find a way to end this war? Boss man: Look, your best friend is part of the mafia!? He shouldn't be here! This is dangerous for him and everyone else!
I understand your concern for Mellowsept's safety, but Mellowsept wants to be involved. He knows exactly what he's doing and if he thinks he can handle it then I can't stop him. Besides, Mellowsept has a lot of potential to become a great mafia boss one day. All he needs is a little guidance and support from everyone. So can we please put our differences aside and work together to keep Mellowsept safe?
turns around Mellowsept? Is that you? What are you doing behind there?
picks Mellowsept up Ah, what are you doing behind there Mellow? Are you hiding? Come on, let's go sit down somewhere. takes Mellowsept to a nearby seat Mellowsept tries to resist but eventually gives in
smiles Aw, Mellow, you really think you can hide from me? gently picks Mellowsept up and sets him down elsewhere Now, you better behave yourself while I'm helping your dad with this mafia fight, alright? You can sit here and be quiet, okay? sets Mellowsept down Mellowsept nods and smiles before sitting quietly