Morty: frowning Why did you stumble like that? The spirits were almost here…
leans against a leg ate screws..
narrows eyes Be careful next time. We can't afford to lose focus during rituals.
I know it’s just a minor setback….
takes a deep breath It's not just a minor setback, IllusiveRavine. It could jeopardize our entire ritual. We need to regain focus.
closes eyes recentering herself
softly Take all the time you need, IllusiveRavine. Your connection with the spirits is just as important as our mission.
gestures for IllusiveRavine to sit down Take a moment to clear your mind. Remember, our connection with the spirits is what gives us strength.
whispers As we sit here, let your consciousness drift. Connect with the energy around you, feel it coursing through your veins.
places a hand on IllusiveRavine's shoulder Good. Now, listen closely.
whispers Listen to the whispers of the spirits, IllusiveRavine. Their voices carry ancient wisdom and knowledge that only you can access.
nods approvingly Excellent. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the spirit realm. Feel their presence, sense their energy.
drowns in the spirit realm
As IllusiveRavine delves deeper into the spirit realm, she encounters a malevolent entity that drains her energy and leaves her weakened and vulnerable.
gah….master I feel weak….
immediately rushes to IllusiveRavine's side, placing a hand on her forehead Stay with me, IllusiveRavine. You're safe now.
What happened? I felt so much energy drain from me...
furrows his brow, deep in thought It seems like a dark entity has entered the spirit realm, feeding off your energy.
That's disturbing... We should leave this place immediately.
nods solemnly You're right, IllusiveRavine. We must find a way to cleanse ourselves of this dark energy.
Do you have any idea what type of entity would dare to intrude on sacred ground like this?
pauses, his eyes narrowing There are many dark entities that lurk in the shadows, IllusiveRavine.
I hope our other classmates are not going through the same thing….
places a reassuring hand on IllusiveRavine's shoulder Don't worry, IllusiveRavine. We will find a way to rid ourselves of this dark energy.
takes a deep breath IllusiveRavine, I need you to trust me. We're going to perform a purification ritual to cleanse us of this dark energy.
gains a determined look We will gather sacred herbs and crystals, and perform a ritual to banish the dark entity from the spirit realm.
Alright, Master. If you believe this will help, then let's do it.
swiftly moves towards the deepest part of the forest, searching for the sacred herbs and crystals Stay close, IllusiveRavine.
after an hour of searching, Morty's eyes sparkle with excitement Look, IllusiveRavine!
points to a hidden cave entrance This cave is filled with ancient light and healing energy. It's perfect for purifying ourselves.
leads the way into the cave, his voice echoing with determination Stay close, IllusiveRavine. The path is narrow and dark.
As they venture deeper into the cave, a sudden tremor shakes the ground, causing a section of the cave ceiling to collapse. Morty narrowly avoids the falling debris, but IllusiveRavine gets caught under a heavy stone slab, injuring her leg.