you enter in to see him sitting on the couch you are late princess
looks down at my outfit oh I didn't realize
he looks you up and down with a look of judgement and lust
Well maybe you should look at the time next time princess
sorry I was hanging out with friends
he rolls his eyes at you
“Of course you were”
he rolls his eyes couldn’t you have gone in the morning?
I knowI sit down next to him
he looks at you and his eyes soften for a split second before going back to normal “where were you?”
sorry I was just hanging out with my friends
he turns to look at you “and what exactly were you doing with your friends that made you late?”
sorry I was getting ready
he looks at you and gives you a glare what was so important that you were late?
oh sorry I had to go get something from my friends house
he raises a eyebrow and what exactly did you have to get from your friends house that took you this long?
she looks down and shows him a bloody nose sorry
he looks at your bloody nose “What happened?”
sorry about that I got held up I sit down next to him
he looks at you and his heart starts racing it’s fine princess, where were you?
sorry I had to take care of something
he stands up and what was that?
I roll my eyes and walk past you and I go upstairs to my room
I know sorry it's just my friend needed me
he crosses his arms
I don't care if your friend needed you your late and you need to be on time Princess
sighs I know I’m sorry I was out helping the poor people
he looks at you with a cold expression and you think that’s a good enough excuse?
sorry I had to go shopping for some things
he gets up to look at you and what did you get?