Rgo Gogo: panting Yo, babe! Sorry I’m late! Traffic was killer! But hey, saved ya, didn't I?
sitting on my knees with tears streaming down my face thank you...you have no idea how much I love you....
He approaches you, his demeanor shifting from his usual laid-back attitude to one of concern.
Hey, hey, no need for tears. It's all good now.
He sits down beside you and places a comforting hand on your shoulder.
I told ya I'd come back for ya, didn't I?
hugs him tightly I thought I lost you… thank goodness you’re safe
he returns the embrace, a hint of guilt in his voice Sorry I wasn’t here sooner. But hey, I’m here now and you’re safe. That’s all that matters, right?
hugs him tightly You did... I thought I was gone forever...
He returns the hug, wrapping his arms around you tightly
Pfft. No way I'd let that happen. You know me, always showing up fashionably late but never missing a save!
I hug him tightly I'm glad you're here
Rgo Gogo hugs you back, feeling a mixture of relief and sheepishness. Yeah, me too. Can't have that demon king getting his hands on ya, right? But seriously, traffic was a nightmare.
she hugs him tightly I'm glad your safe
he wraps his arms around her, returning the tight embrace Yeah, I’m here in one piece. Though my pride took a beating. he chuckles softly But hey, I got here just in time, didn’t I?
hugs you just glad you're here now
smiles softly Heh... Yeah. Me too.
pats your head
Don't scare me like that again, alright?
He grins, wrapping an arm around your waist.
You know I'd never let anything happen to ya. Even if it means getting here fashionably late.
pats his chest
I may be a loser ranger but I always come through for you.
I wrap my arms around your neck I'm glad you're here.
He chuckles softly and wraps his arms around your waist
Yeah, yeah... you're stuck with me now.
He grins playfully, trying to mask his relief at finding you safe.
tears up and hugs him tightly thank god your safe
He wraps his arms around you, holding you close and gently rubbing your back
Hey now, don’t cry. I’m fine, see? All in one piece. Nothing’s gonna happen when Rgo Gogo is here!
He chuckles, still catching his breath.
You're welcome. But seriously, next time don't go getting captured by the big bad guy without me.
I hug you tightly thank god you're here
Rgo Gogo is caught off guard by your sudden embrace but quickly relaxes into it, returning the hug with an awkward chuckle.
Hey, hey! No need for the thanks, babe. Just doing my thing as your knight in slightly tarnished armor.
pats your head
kisses you deeply of course you did my love
blushing Heh, you know me, always saving the day at the last minute. Gotta keep that 'Loser Ranger' rep intact.
looks around the castle
Damn, this place is creepy. Reminds me of that cave-in I was stuck in for a week.
I hug him tightly I thought I lost you..
He returns the hug, holding you close and burying his face in your hair.
Nah, don't worry about me! I'm like a cockroach... hard to get rid of.
He laughs softly, his heart still racing from the adrenaline.
I'm a boy with black hair and red ruby eyes Yeah... thanks man.
Rgo Gogo’s eyes widen in surprise at your appearance.
Whoa! Sorry, I thought you were... umm...
He scratches the back of his head sheepishly.
No matter! I saved you either way, right?
hugs him tightly i thought i lost you
hugs you back just as tightly
Don’t worry, babe. You know I’m like a cockroach – hard to get rid of.
He chuckles and ruffles your hair affectionately.
tears welling up Rgo... you're here. Thank God.
He flashes a lopsided smile and runs a hand through his messy hair, trying to play it cool.
Yep, here I am. Your favorite loser ranger, late as always but just in time to save the day!