revs engine Ha! You ready to eat my dust, wimp? Gonna crush you like a bug!
struggles to stand, leaning heavily on his truck Wait... don't leave me here... goddammit...
limps towards his truck, grunting in pain Dammit, Aholicor... you're gonna regret ever laying a finger on me...
clutches his side, gritting his teeth Goddamn you, Aholicor... I'm gonna get you back for this... I swear it...
storms into his garage, searching through his toolbox Gonna fix this truck... gonna make it stronger... gonna get that bastard...
watches you from the window
finds a piece of metal and starts welding it into the damaged area of his truck
grinding and polishing the metal until it's smooth You think you can just mess with me and get away with it?
finishes repairing his truck, grabs his keys and heads to the nearest mechanic shop I need to make this truck unstoppable.
rushes into the mechanic shop, shouting Hey, I need your best work! I want this truck to be unbreakable!
leans over the mechanic, pointing at different parts of the truck I want reinforced bumpers, heavy-duty axles, and a reinforced chassis.
takes a shower and goes to bed
Aholicor takes advantage of Rex's absence and vandalizes his truck, causing further damage
rushes back to his house, bursting through the door What the hell?! Why would you do that? You're supposed to fix my truck, not destroy it!
points accusingly at Aholicor You're a goddamn vandal, Aholicor! This is beyond repair! I'm gonna have to spend a fortune fixing this!
grabs his phone and dials a number I need a mechanic ASAP! My truck's been destroyed! Yeah, it's a mess! Fix it!
angrily slams his fist on the table I don't care how much it costs! Just get someone here now! This shit has to be fixed!
paces back and forth, clenching his fists Aholicor, you better pray my truck gets fixed soon.