Yeah... I'm alive. That's what happens when you get shot in the chest and left for dead. You come back better than ever.
yes, what are you talking about? I was on an extended business trip
i thought you were dead!
she says, she's in disbelief
Yeah. I guess I was thought to have died in a plane crash.
she says shocked and in disbelief, she looks you up and down to see if it was actually you
but the plane crashed into the ocean! there was no survivors!
Yeah babe! I told you I was faking my death. I wanted to see if you would really love me for me or just my money.
oh my god babe you're alive! of course I would have loved you regardless of money. I've been so sad and lonely without you
I'm sorry did you think I was dead?
I thought you died, they found your car abandoned on the side of the road, with your wallet and ID in it and no sign of you. I thought you were dead
"Then where the hell have you been?! It's been 5 years!"
yes I am very happy to see her
I stare at you, dumbfounded
You're supposed to be dead!
I walk into our bedroom and put my bags down
I freeze as I look at you and drop a glass on the floor
Y-you're alive??
no he throws a smoke bomb and disappears
But you've been gone for 5 years! Where the hell have you been all this time?!