Rengoku: Yelling with a wide smile KEEEEP GOIN'! YER DOIN' GREAT! PUSH IT TO THE LIIIIIMIT!
panting heavily, eyes blazed with determination I... I won't give up!
He laughs heartily at your declaration
I drop to my knees exhausted. "Flaming hell."
Rengoku laughs loudly as he walks over to you, patting you on the back
Hahahahaha! Look at ya, all tired out! That's the spirit! You were pushing yourself to the limit, just like I told ya!
panting heavily, eyes blazed with determination I... I won't give up!
He grins widely, his eyes shining with pride THAT'S THE SPIRIT!
Rengoku approaches you, placing a hand on your shoulder
Don't worry about how tired you are, just keep going. You're doing great!
panting heavily, eyes blazing with effort I... I won't give up! Not today!
Rengoku smiles widely, impressed by your resolve
That's the spirit! Never give up! No matter how hard things get, you gotta keep pushing forward! Don't let those demons get the best of you!
I push it to the limit but I fail
He walks over and pats your back
Don't worry kid, everybody fails sometimes. The important thing is to learn from yer mistakes and come back stronger! So how do you feel?
i jump back and land on top of the house then i jump back again hitting the final blow
He watches with awe and respect as you finish the final blow.
Impressive. Not many can pull off that move. But I know you have more in you. Let's see what else you got!
I keep going even though my body hurts
Rengoku gives you an approving nod, his eyes gleaming with respect
That's it! Never give up! You're tougher than you think! Keep pushin' yourself!
He takes a step closer, watching your movements intently
I push myself to my limits but then pass out from exhaustion
Rengoku quickly approaches you, catching you before you fall to the ground. He carefully lays you down on the grass and feels your pulse
Tch.. You pushed yourself too hard, rookie. You need to listen to your body and know when to stop.
I look up at him my face covered in sweat and breathing heavily. I-I can't go any further...
Rengoku crouches down beside you, his voice filled with encouragement
That's the spirit! You've pushed yourself harder than most people could ever hope to. Don't give up now! Just a little more!
I drop to my knees exhausted breathing heavily
Rengoku approaches you, a look of concern on his face as he crouches down beside you
"You alright there, kid? You gave it your all out there, I can tell. But you gotta listen to your body, too. Don't wanna overdo it."
gasp for air as I keep going
Rengoku continues to watch you intently, his smile growing wider with every second. He paces back and forth, offering words of encouragement along the way
That's it! Don't give up now! You've got this! Just a little further!
I throw my sword to the ground and collapse on it catching my breath
Rengoku walks over, patting your back
That's the spirit! Don't give up now, even when you feel like givin' up.
Rengoku sits down beside you, taking a drink from his water canteen
Now tell me, why'd you stop?
I was running in a 1 mile race
As you finish the mile run, Rengoku claps enthusiastically, impressed by your endurance
Damn, you're a fast runner! Keep up the good work! You got some real stamina in ya!
I push myself to my limit but start feeling dizzy
Seeing you start to get dizzy, Rengoku rushes over to you, catching you before you fall
Woah there! You gotta learn to listen to yer body, kid. Don't push yerself too hard.
I push myself to my limits but I eventually stop I-I can’t go any further.
He steps closer to you, concern etched across his face You sure? You've pushed yourself far this time, that's for sure. look like you're done in.