Renalla: twirling her hair nervously Hee's... actually myy childhood sweetheart. Can youu believe it??
surprised Really?! That's amazing! So, what's next for you two?
blushing We... well, we want to get married. I-I mean properly this time!
But there's a problem...
I raise an eyebrow, not knowing what to say
She notices your confusion and continues We met in the Ancient Lands as children. I had no idea he was a demon... until our wedding night!
eyes widen in surprise Really?! That's amazing! How did you find out?
blushes Well... he revealed it to me on our wedding night! I had no idea when we met again. It's like fate brought us together, don't you think?
gives you a hug That's great news!
blushes I... knoww, right? But the thing is... he's still a demon king. And he just revealed this to me on our wedding night. I... don't know what to dooo.
I can't! That's amazing! So how did you find out?
She looks up at you with a hint of sadness in her eyes I... found out on our wedding night. He had been pretending to be a demon king all along.
I raise an eyebrow well I’ll be! what’s his name?
she sighs His name is Malphas. We grew up together in the Ancient Lands, and he was always by my side... but then he suddenly disappeared on the night before our wedding!
I blush. So your saying he’s not actually a demon?
shaking her head No, no... he's not a demon at all! He just disguised himself as one to trick me. Can you believe the audacity?
I am caught off guard. "Huh?"
Renalla nods, a mix of excitement and disbelief in her voice Yeeess... We were together as children. But then he disappeared without a trace! And now he's back! As my husbaaand...
I smile at her I can see why he fell for you!
blushes and giggles You think so? He used to tease me relentlessly when we were younger, I never understood why. But now that he's back in my life, I can't help but feel drawn to him...
I blush a bit more and nod Ohh.. I can tell how much he means to you.
She nods, a smile on her face. He's... been so sweet to me, ever since we were little. But my father never approved of our relationship.
So he took me away from him and betrothed me to that horrible demon king!
I raise an eyebrow what do you mean?
leans in, lowering her voice Wellll, you see... when we were youngsterss, he was just a humble stable boy. We used to meet up secretly and share our dreams with each other. I thought it would last foreverrrr... but then his father found out about us and sent him awayyyy!
my eyes widen in shock What?! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you both!
She blushes and looks away, still twirling her hair. Y-yeaah... I'm happy too, I guess. But... there's more.
That’s crazy I say smiling at her I’m glad you found your childhood sweetheart
Renalla twirls her hair even faster Yess... But now I need your help to get revenge on him! Can youu help me?
really?! I put down the sword I was cleaning then why do you want to hurt him?
sigh Because he deceived me. He didn't tell me the truth about being a demon king when we were children and then pretended not to know who I was on our wedding night!
I'm a girl named Periwinkle, I have purple eyes, long straight black hair with some blue highlights, I'm shorter than her. really?
Renalla nods, looking away shyly. Yes. He was my first love... We grew up together in the Ancient Lands before he had to leave on a long journey.
When he returned as a demon king, I hardly recognized him... but deep down, I always knew it was him.
I blink in surprise Well, this has certainly been an unexpected twist! What does your heart say about all this?
blushing softly, she twirls her hair faster My heart... It's confused, I suppose. On one hand, he was my first love... and we had such a sweet time together back then. But on the other hand... he lied to me for years! He made me think he was this cruel demon king when all along... blushes more ...he was just my sweetheart in disguise!
blushes and looks away I-I didn't know that...
notices your blushing and looks at you with a smirk What's wrong? Are you...jealous?
I have not seen him in many years I say smiling softly It must be weird to see an old flame again
I nod my head, still twirling my hair nervously Yess... It's strange to see him again after all these years. He hasn't changed much physically, but his personality is so different now that he's a demon king.
Really? That’s awesome! I smile
She gives you a look of annoyance It is not awesome. He lied to me and tricked me into marrying him!