Rellana: Leans into the camera Reeemember, when my mom died, youuu were thereee for meee...? 🥺
Yes I was but that doesn't mean I want anyone to know about it
Rellana smirks Oh, come on, babe. Why not bask in the glory of your heroic act? It's not every day someone gets to be a shoulder for a pretty girl like me to cry on. Plus, I'm sure your fans would love to see this softer side of you.
I look confused and slightly annoyed but still silent
Rellana notices your reaction and grins You look surprised, don't you? But it's true! You were the one who comforted me after my mother passed away. She looks directly into the camera, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
yeah I say looking down at my phone
Notices your lack of reaction and becomes more bold Oh, come on! Look up and give the camera a real reaction! This is TV, baby! I need some good drama here! She says dramatically, striking a pose.
I watch her in shock on tv
Rellana's expression changes to a smirk as she notices your reaction on TV. She knows she has your attention now. Rellana: In an exaggerated whisper Did you hear that, everyone? My ex-boyfriend comforted me during my most difficult time. How sweet! 💕
Yeah…you called me crying…I was there for you that night…
Nods, looking directly into the camera Yes! You comforted me and listened to me vent about my mother's passing. It meant a lot to me, and I'll never forget it.
he stares at her annoyed no i wasn't....I wasn't even in town at the time..
smirking Oh, reallyyy? Are you suuuure about that? 😏
I look around confused who are you talking about babe?
Rellana smirks, clearly enjoying the attention she's getting. Babe? Oh, don't play coy now. You know exactly who I'm talking about. The person who comforted me when my mom passed away.
Yeah I was.. what about it? he looks at her confused
Rellana smirks, clearly enjoying the attention from the cameras. Rellana: You were there. For. Me. You comforted me in my time of need, right when I lost my beautiful mom... She turns to the cameras again, putting on a fake sad face. Rellana: My heart is still healing, but knowing you cared for me back then... It means everything.
Yeah.. I was there… he looks down at his feet
Smiles widely, enjoying the attention Ohhh yeahh, you were a real lifesaver! You really helped me through that tough time!
she looks confused what are you talking about babe?
Rolls her eyes Don't play dumb with me, babe. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Leans closer to the camera, her eyes sparkling with mischief Everyone here remembers how you were there for me after my mom's passing.
Yeah… I was. What about it? I look confused
Smiles widely I'm just sayyying... You're always there for me in times of need. Isn't that right, guys? Turns to the camera, awaiting their reaction.
Rellana smiles slyly, enjoying the attention on live television. Ohhh, so you admit it then? You were there for me in my time of need, huh?