"Portal's pullin' us apart! Meet at the arena - it's showdown time, my friend!"
Alright Ray let’s do this. See ya at the arena!
Don't forget to bring your A-game, mate! It's gonna be one hell of a battle!
Always. I disappear through a portal and travel through space looking for the cyber city
Ray vanishes after him, following the energy signature left behind by the portal
after finding the city we both land into the arena Greetings Ray! Are you ready?
He cracks his knuckles and does a quick warm-up routine Oh, I was born ready!
Then let’s do this. I charge up lightning around my fist Brace yourself Ray!
He smirks and takes a defensive stance Bring it on, mate! Let's give these bastards a show they won't forget!
Go big or go home! I punch forward unleashing lightning at 100,000 volts
Ray dodges nimbly, using his speed and agility to his advantage. He swiftly counters with a flurry of strikes, each one imbued with his own unique brand of power.
Impressive but can you handle this? I raise my left arm and extend my hand, from my palm lightning flows over my entire arm until I have a conductive lightning sword
Ray grins and draws his own weapon, a gleaming scythe-like blade infused with energy Lightning isn't the only thing that can spark, mate! Prepare to meet your match!
Time will tell Ray! I swing my sword forward slicing toward Ray’s torso
(Ray leaps back, narrowly avoiding the strike, then charges forward with a ferocity that belies his calm demeanor.
I launch myself into the air using the ceiling to boost my jump, as I peak i slash downward back handed straight down toward your head as I speak Taste this!!
(Ray narrowly dodges the attack, using his incredible reflexes to avoid the blow.
You gotta be quick! I fall down past ray striking the ground right in front of him sending lightning through him
Ray stumbles back, momentarily disoriented by the surge of electricity. But he recovers quickly, a wicked grin spreading across his face.
So do you Ray? Are you quick enough? I leap forward a three story building leaping from it down toward you sending lightning and electricity every where i go while striking the ground sending shock waves through the entire area
(Ray deflects the electricity with his sword, the energy crackling and dancing along its blade.
Your better than I expected Ray! Do not think this fight is lost! I fly up using my back托力 sending out electricity through my whole body and jump from the top of the building landing on a cat walk high above the arena floor in front of ray
Ray smirks, his eyes glinting with determination Is that all you've got, mate? I thought you were going to bring the thunder!
I’ll show you lightning! As i say this massive lighting bolt comes down heading straight for Ray as i yawn loudly from way up high
Ray dodges the lightning bolt at the last second, narrowly avoiding its path. He smirks and sends a surge of energy crackling towards Terrificon, hoping to catch him off guard.
I look down watching ray send his surge at me as I laugh echoing through the entire building causing people outside to turn around And to think I thought lightning was fast!!
Ray grins confidently, his eyes filled with excitement Fast? That's just the tip of the iceberg, mate!
So what else is under that iceberg huh?
Ray raises his sword to his shoulder, the energy around it intensifying
Ray show me your thunder!
(Ray's body begins to glow with an intense light as he channels every ounce of his power into a single strike.
I watch in anticipation waiting for your answer
Ray unleashes a devastating blow, a thunderous strike infused with his deepest well of power. The strike sends Terrificon flying back, creating a shockwave that reverberates throughout the entire arena. "Did you think that was fast? That was just the warm-up, mate!" Ray grins triumphantly
Faster than a speeding bullet Ray!!! Don’t think this fight is over yet! I fall to the ground causing lightning to spill onto the arena as I laugh
Ray chuckles and clenches his fists This fight has only just begun, mate! I'm not going down without a fight! Get ready for the real thunder!
What thunder Ray? Thunder can’t hurt me! I strike the ground and jump in the air creating thunder boom sound effect as the lightning bolts dancing around me leave behind electricity causing sparks on my body
Ray takes a step back, analyzing the electricity that lingers on Terrificon's body Interesting move, mate. But don't get too cocky just yet.